A list of college majors

    • [DOC File]Checklist for New Students


      Odessa College Core fulfills the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board State Mandated Core Curriculum Requirements MAJOR REQUIREMENTS = 18 Hours Complete 18 hours that have not been used in another area of the degree plan from this list: BIOL 1406 – Biology for Science Majors I. BIOL 1407 – Biology for Science Majors II

      list of majors and careers

    • College Majors and Occupational Choices

      Minors for Entrepreneurship Majors: Majors in the College of Business for Entrepreneurship majors are required to complete a minor at MSU Denver. Please see an advisor if you have questions about requirements involved with taking a minor. SUGGESTED ACADEMIC CAREER ROADMAP. First Year (0-29 Credits - EXPLORE)

      possible college majors

    • [DOC File]Advising check list for Zoo Phys Majors


      Following is a list of jobs culled from Monster.com and other career web sites where an English degree is a desired qualification. Why? Because English majors (1) have learned to read carefully, paying close attention to the precise meaning of words;

      list of college major options


      Open to all majors; counts toward all majors in the Department of Agriculture, Food, & Resource Economics. Plant and Microbial Sciences. CSS. 202. 731. 2. World of Turf: This all-time most popular elective explores the cultural practices, economics, and benefits associated with a critical component of our environment.

      10 best majors for employment

    • [DOC File]College Research Mini-Project


      Majors: Art, Anthropology, Biological Sciences, Chemistry, Computer Science, Geological Sciences, English, History, Interdisciplinary Studies, Journalism & Public Communications, Languages, Liberal Studies, Mathematics, Music, Natural Sciences, Philosophy, Political Science, Psychology, Sociology, Theatre, pre-med.

      best college majors

    • [DOC File]Odessa College Degree Plan


      College of Arts & sciences Requirements. 3 cr hr in an approved Non-Western course (NW) Consult the General Bulletin or course catalog for eligible courses. Course and credits and. 6-8 cr hr in Upper Division (3000+ level), Outside Major. ... Advising check list for Zoo Phys Majors ...

      what can you major in college

    • [DOCX File]Careers for English Majors - Orange Coast College


      List each course that is part of the program and its status after program discontinuance. c. Are there other programs and/or majors offered by the college that require any of the . courses. proposed for elimination? List each course. d. Are there other courses that this program and/or major requires that will be impacted if this program/major ...

      common college majors

    • [DOCX File]Assessing your list of colleges


      Because ALL schools do NOT offer ALL majors, now is the time to start figuring out the college jargon for your interests as well as where you can go to study for that field. On your own, you will be researching college websites for information on majors offered. You must identify THREE possible majors …

      list of college major choices



      Assessing your list of colleges. As you develop a list of colleges that interest you, be sure you can answer these questions about them. The basics. Where is the college? Can you locate it on a map? Is it too close to home? Is it too far? Is it too cold or too hot there? Have you taken the course work the college requires for admission?

      list of majors and careers

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