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    • [DOC File]6171382v1 - 2008 Competition Report Main Section

      Page Executive Summary 1 Introduction 2 HOP Medical Plan 3 Comparison of HOP Medical Plan and AARP Medigap Plans 5 Comparison of HOP Medical Plan and Blue Cross/Shield Medigap Plans 10 …

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    • [DOC File]MEDS Quick Reference Guide - Revised June 2005

      D Dental. H HMO (Health Maintenance Organization) M Medical (future use) O Other. HEALTH INSURANCE SYSTEM: ... 6 AARP. 8 New York Life PAYMENT STATUS CODE 0625. ... QI Health Care Plans 4 and 5. QJ Health Care Plans …

      senior dental and vision insurance plans

    • [DOCX File]EMERGENCY FUNDS FOR WRITERS - Authors League Fund

      provided a list of trade associations offering health insurance plans at group rates. Most. of these organizations no longer offer this. benefit. The Freelancers Union — free to join —still offers . insurance . plans: Other associations . may . provide. vision, dental…

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    • [DOCX File]Comprehensive Medical and dental program (CMDP)

      responsible for payment of any fees or co-pays for medical, dental, vision, or behavioral health services or equipment. All foster children must have an initial health care screening within seven calendar days and a full physical exam (medical and dental…

      dental and vision insurance plans

    • [DOC File]United Nations

      Renewal of the Headquarters medical and dental insurance plans effective 1 July 2000, and annual enrolment campaign, 5-9 June 2000** General. 1. The purpose of the present circular is to announce: …

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