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    • [DOC File]The United Midwayers of Urantia

      The United Midwayers of Urantia present: Jesus of Urantia and the original "Good News" message ... The universal Fatherhood of God and the worldwide brotherhood of humankind; the free gift of son/daughtership with God to be realized by faith as the soul's attitude and experienced through grace.

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      MICHEL MARTIN (ABC NEWS) (VO) But others say the link between poverty and obesity is far more direct. DOCTOR ADAM DRUNOWSKI (UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON) Well, some people say that obesity is the result of a low metabolism. I say it really is the result of low wages. MICHEL MARTIN (ABC …

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      But the idea is far from mainstream in America. A 2005 ABC News poll, taken on the 21st anniversary of the 1984 federal law that forced states to raise their drinking ages, found that 78% of the public opposed a lower age; at the same time, 75% also said underage drinking was a “serious problem.”

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    • [DOC File]ABD e -NEWS - Iowa

      1. NATIONAL NEWS. 1. Alcohol Laws: Should the Drinking Age be Lowered? ABC NEWS. Aug. 27, 2007 As college students usher in the start of a new term with beer pong and keg stands, the nation revisits what's now a fixture of collegiate life: drinking age laws. An increasing number of college officials are arguing that current drinking laws have ...

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    • [DOC File]ABC News – Breaking News, Latest News, Headlines & Videos

      11:38:19:00 And our media partner is KMGH Channel 7 News. A huge thanks to all our partners for coming together. (APPLAUSE) On the note of KMGH Channel 7, you will all …

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