Academic issues in schools

    • [PDF File]The COVID-19 slide

      same level of academic achievement they had when schools were closed (modeled for simplicity as March 15, with school resuming in fall). Projections suggest major academic impacts from COVID closures for students, especially in mathematics We estimate COVID-19 projections of the average academic growth trajectory by grade and for

    • [PDF File]Academic Integrity Policy - International education

      academic misconduct and school maladministration cases, ensuring confidence is maintained among students, parents, schools and other stakeholders in the value and credibility of IB grades. This policy document explains: • the academic integrity principle which will be observed by the IB and expected of all its stakeholders

    • [PDF File]Do charter schools get better academic results than public ...

      national analysis of charter schools operated by education management companies found only 4.4% of the students in these schools were classified as ELL.5 School Privatization Explained Do charter schools get better academic results than public schools? No. The charter school sector does not get better academic results than

    • [PDF File]The Principal’s Guide to Building Culturally Responsive ...

      2 THE PRINCIPAL’S GUIDE TO BUILDING CULTURALLY RESPONSIVE SYSTEMS, STAFF, AND STUDENTS INTRODUCTION For the first time in U.S. history, a majority of K–12 public school pupils are students of color. Upon graduation, students will face a more diverse workforce than ever before.

    • [PDF File]The Digital Divide and Its Impact on Academic Performance

      This article addresses issues of the digital divide in technology use and its impact on academic performance. Some researchers (e.g., Wenglinsky, 1998) have linked successful use of technology by students with academic performanceoutcomes, although this relationship has also been challenged (e.g., Baker, 2005.

    • [PDF File]Reflections on Academic Honesty and Integrity

      law, and business ethics courses for many years. The authors hope that the issues they raise, the insights they obtained, and the recommendations and suggestions they make will be helpful to their colleagues in academia in establishing a culture of …


      Schools, health agencies, parents, and communities share a common goal of supporting the link between healthy eating, physical activity, Academic Achievement and improved academic achievement of children and adolescents. Evidence shows that the health of students is linked to their academic achievement, so by working together, we can ensure that

    • [PDF File]Academic honesty in the IB educational context

      Certificate (IBCC) schools includes the following requirement. 5. The school develops and implements policies and procedures that support the programme(s). The school has developed and implements an academic honesty policy that is consistent with IB expectations. Why does the IB require IB World Schools to have a written academic honesty policy?


      FUNDRAISING IN SCHOOLS: CHALLENGES, ISSUES, GUIDELINES, AND POLICIES Michael S. Tan, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Education William Woods University This paper will examine the use of fundraisers and fundraising activities and the challenges and issues surrounding the conduct of these activities. Various legal

    • [PDF File]Effective Schools long - Home - Urban Health Institute

      of solving academic and personal challenges. The future of our communities depends on a generation, not only skilled in academics, but also excited about belonging to an educated community. That community will arise only if schools engage and connect with today’s children. Effective schools create an environment that increases academic ...

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