Achievement gap by state

    • OIP DISTRICT Implementation Management/Monitoring Tool ...

      Decrease the gap per subgroup Smart Goals Student Performance Content Area: Reading. Goal 2: bY 2017 all students will increase their rEADING achievement on State and Local Assessments by at least 5% (or exceed 85% passage rate) each year and reduce the achievement gap in each subgroup (or Subscale) by at least 7% each year.

    • [DOC File]Oregon

      STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION – ADMINISTRATIVE RULE SUMMARY. Title/OAR #: Closing the Achievement Gap for American Indian/Alaskan Native Students Grant/ Temporary Rules/OAR # 581-018-0520 to 581-018-0535. Date: January 23, 2014. Staff/Office: April Campbell/ Office of Education Equity and Cindy Hunt/Superintendent’s Office

    • [DOCX File]2015-2016 Bill 4715 Text of Previous Version (Jan. 21 ...

      Whereas, National Blue Ribbon awards recognize schools in one of two categories: Exemplary High Performing Schools or Exemplary Achievement Gap Closing Schools. Forestbrook Middle School was nominated as an Exemplary High Performing School, indicating it to be among the state’s highest achieving schools as measured by state assessments or ...

    • [DOC File]Regents Item - New York State Education Department

      Regents Actions to Close the Achievement Gap. The Board of Regents has made the achievement gap a statewide focus, leading a decade-long change in the way the state funds schools. Since the early Nineties, the Regents have also taken many major actions to improve achievement for the most underserved students. The Regents:

    • [DOCX File]KDE Comprehensive Improvement Plan for District

      Elementary/middle schools must address proficiency, separate academic indicator, achievement gap, and growth. High schools must address proficiency, separate academic indicator, achievement gap, graduation rate, and transition readiness. Long-term targets should be informed by The Needs Assessment for Schools.

    • [DOC File]PI-SAGE-6 Student Achievement Guarantee in Education Five ...

      to by the Department of Public Instruction. Signature of State Superintendent/Designee ( Date Signed Mo./Day/Yr. II. CONTRACT REQUIREMENTS Achievement Gap Redu. ction Strategies—The school board must implement one or more of the following strategies in each participating school during each year included in this contract.

    • [DOC File]South Dakota ESEA Flexibility Accountability Addendum

      Focus schools are determined by looking solely at Gap group performance, using specific indicators of the SPI, rather than the entire SPI score. South Dakota’s Gap group consists of those groups of students that have historically (over the last three years) contributed to the achievement gap based on state assessment data.

    • [DOCX File]Income-Based Inequality in Educational Outcomes: Learning ...

      The achievement gap between low income and higher income students closes the longer students spend in the state’s public school system. For example, among students who entered the system in fourth grade, the gap narrowed from 0.94 standard deviations in fourth grade to 0.68 standard deviations in 10th grade, a reduction of more than 0.25 ...


      Use data collected at the school site to plan guidance curriculum and closing the achievement gap activities. Confirm national, state, and local testing dates. Provide information to staff on College and Career Readiness Standards for ninth grade students.

    • [DOCX File]Accountability System: - State of Michigan

      Achievement Gap: The difference between how well low-income and minority children perform on standardized tests as compared with their peers. For many years, low-income and minority children have been falling behind their white peers in terms of academic achievement.

    • [DOC File]SOM - State of Michigan

      In order to do that, we integrated achievement gap into the ranking methodology. To obtain achievement gap, a two-year average bottom 30% minus top 30% z-score gap is created by obtaining the average z-scores of the bottom 30% of z-scores in the school and subtracting from that the average of the top 30% of z-scores in the school.

    • [DOC File]Retention and Graduation Program for Underrepresented ...

      Achievement Gap Closure, Data Collection/Use, Degree Attainment, Improving Achievement, Mentoring, Retention, Underrepresented Students. ... By just about any measure, Georgia State University is an atypical public research institution. Located in the heart of downtown Atlanta and with an enrollment topping 32,000, the university attracts a ...

    • [DOCX File]FOCUS SCHOOL - SD Department of Education

      The Gap Group is an aggregate count of student groups in South Dakota that have historically experienced achievement gaps. SD DOE considers three years of student achievement data (performance on the statewide assessment in reading and math) to determine which subgroups will make up the Gap Group.

    • [DOC File]0108ced1 - New York State Education Department

      Bridging the Achievement Gap (attached) is a proposal to use the $5 million to establish partnerships in each of the nine regions of New York State served by a public television station.

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