Aching legs at night time

    • [DOC File]Sleep Questionnaire - Davoodi Family Medicine

      Restless legs syndrome is aching, twitching, tingling, burning, or prickling feelings in the lower leg muscles when you lie in bed. It can make it hard to fall and stay asleep. A related problem is called periodic movements in sleep, which is powerful flexing of the lower leg muscles many times throughout the night, which may also keep you awake.

      aching legs in women

    • [DOCX File]Patient Handouts - Redemption Psychiatry, LLC

      What time of night is this activity likely to occur? am / pm. Does your child complain of aching legs at bedtime? Yes / No. Does your child move his / her legs around in bed at night? Yes / No / Dk. Does your child’s jerk while he is asleep at night? Yes / No / Dk. Does your child have nightmares? Yes / No / Dk If so, at what age did they ...

      severe shin pain at night

    • Aching Legs at Night: Causes and Home Remedies for Legs Pain in …

      Restless legs syndrome (RLS) is a cause of insomnia (trouble sleeping) for many people. Restless legs syndrome is aching, twitching, tingling, burning, or prickling feelings in the lower leg muscles when you lie in bed. You have a strong urge to move your legs. This may also happen when you are sitting.

      pain in shins when sleeping

    • [DOCX File]Patient Handouts - Redemption Psychiatry, LLC

      Before you fall asleep at night do your legs feel achy? Yes / No . Do you have to move them about in bed? Yes / No . Do you have to get out of bed and walk around to ease your aching legs? Yes / No. Do you get cramping of your calves? Yes / No . When you are asleep do your legs jerk? Yes / No . Do you snore? Yes / No If so, how loudly?

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