Achy arms and legs symptoms

    • Case #1

      Please circle the area(s) of the body where you are experiencing symptoms and mark the circled area(s) with: “ BP ” for burning pain, “ SHP ” for sharp pain, “ STP ” for stabbing pain, “ DP ” for dull pain, “ AP ” for achy pain, “ N ” for numbness, and “ T ” for tingling . Timing of Pain/ Alleviating and Aggravating ...

      pain in muscles in arms and legs

    • [DOC File]Patient Name; Age

      The patient uses her arms for sit to stand. She walks independently at least 250’; gait velocity is 1m/sec on the 10m walk test. She has a slouched posture, decreased arm swing, small base of support, and somewhat diminished heel strike and step length. VC can negotiate a flight of stairs independently with a handrail, reciprocally.

      aching joints and muscles symptoms

    • [DOCX File]Home - National Meningitis Association

      Indicate on the drawings below where you have pain/symptoms How often do you experience your symptoms? Intermittently (1-25% of the time) Occasionally (26-50% of the time) 5. How would you describe the type of pain? Frequently (51-75% of …

      ache in arms and legs

    • [DOC File]PatientPop

      Onset of Symptoms: Malaise - 6 days. Fever - 4 days. Myalgia, fatigue - 4 days. Shortness of breath. Background Info: Patient is a 19 year old male presenting with general malaise and fatigue for several days, 4 days of fever and recent shortness of breath. Symptoms have been progressing. Patient is weak. Has a chronic cough with phlegm.

      aching joints and muscles

    • [DOCX File]Paxxon

      Thyroid trouble Neuritis-arms/shoulders Ulcers Arthritis. ... Dull, Achy, Shooting, Stabbing, Numbness, Tingling, etc.) and where you have it. 11. Is it worse in the morning , night or as the day progresses? (Please Check) ... high blood pressure shortness of breath chest pain low blood pressure swelling of legs claudication (leg pain/ache ...

      arms and legs ache constantly

    • [DOC File]Head:

      Feeling run down, achy . Tiny white spots with bluish-white centers found inside the mouth . Three to five days after the start of symptoms, a red or reddish-brown rash appears. The rash usually begins on a person’s face at the hairline and spreads downward to the neck, chest, arms, legs…

      aching arms and legs causes

    • [DOC File]What is - Ingham County, Michigan

      Major complaint/symptoms: 1._____ ... facial pain/stiffness pins/needles in arms ringing in ears loss of smell nausea. neck pain/stiffness pins/needles in legs depression loss of taste cold feet. back pain/stiffness fatigue nervousness loss of memory chest pain. arm/hand pain sleeping difficulties tension jaw problems fever ...

      arm and leg muscle ache


      Initial symptoms, like headache, fever and sore throat, mimic the flu or other illnesses. In a few hours, symptoms can progress to include nausea, stiff neck, sensitivity to light and a purplish rash. Within 24 hours from the onset of symptoms, the disease can lead to …

      my arms and legs hurt

    • Aching Arms And Legs Symptoms: Natural Remedies For Muscle A…

      Achy. Radiates down Legs GB ST BL. Improves with Heat Ice Skin: Rash Eczema Psoriasis Acne. Arms & Legs Wrists & Hands Ankles & feet. Muscles: Cramps Achy Heavy Crawling Sensation. Sharp pains Tingling Numbness. Cramping Freezing Pain Colder or Hotter than rest of body? Chest: Spontaneous Sweating. Palpitations Shortness of Breath

      pain in muscles in arms and legs

    • [DOCX File]

      Make sure the band is under your armpits. Again, holding the ends in your hands, sit tall, and remember to engage your abs. Start with your elbows at 90 degrees, with palms facing down. Push your arms straight out in front of you while squeezing your chest muscles. Avoid locking your elbows. Bring your arms back to starting position.

      aching joints and muscles symptoms

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