Afrikaans language learning

    • [DOCX File]The Faculty of Science’s Language Implementation

      Questions in Afrikaans and English will, at the least, be answered in the language of the question. Students will be supported in Afrikaans and English during a combination of appropriate facilitated learning opportunities. Option 3 (refers to par. 7.1.5 in the . L. anguage Policy of the University): Single language (English or Afrikaans) only ...

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    • [DOC File]LOTE as languages of science in multingual South Africa

      manage language learning courses, and. ... As regards Afrikaans as such, the Language Policy for Higher Education states that it “acknowledges that Afrikaans as a language of scholarship and science is a national resource”, “fully supports the retention of Afrikaans as a medium of academic expression and communication in higher education ...

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    • [DOC File]South Africa is one of the few countries in the world ...

      Language provided a central element around which the mythology of the Afrikaans as God’s chosen people developed – language was the most obvious way to distinguish the English and the Afrikaans, while still ensuring that the newly constructed volk would contain members from all walks of life, which was essential to a successful political ...

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    • [DOCX File]Revised Moderation Model 2010 - Afrikaans-Afrikaans

      It involves establishing whether the learning outcomes taught are being assessed and whether the task conforms to the difficulty levels required. This can be conducted by the senior teacher/ HOD of the school. 1.3. M. oderation. ... Afrikaans Home Language ...

      how to learn afrikaans

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