Afrikaans name generator

    • [DOC File]d

      It is fast, secure, and fully redundant. All telephone lines are monitored simultaneously by two telephone servers. All servers are stored in a secure data center with generator back-up power, and the capability of withstanding a category four tornado, Each server is supported by a …

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    • [DOC File]Nuke_10.doc [.pdf] - StealthSkater

      August, 1942 - Col. Marshall of the Army Corps of Engineers creates a new District organization with the intentionally misleading name "Manhattan Engineer District" (MED). August 29, 1942 - A status report by Conant is relayed to the Secretary-of-War by V. Bush indicating the very positive results of Oppenheimer's group.

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    • Project for Statistics on Living Standards and Development

      Source Yes No Name Code Rand Name Code Rand Name Code Rand source_c source_q pcode amt_rec pcode amt_rec pcode amt_rec 01- Old Age Pension/ (Social Pension) -1 -2 02- Private Pension/ Private provident. Fund -1 -2 03- Government Civil. Servants pension -1 -2 04- …

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      1990. ENGLISH - AFRIKAANS. Compiled by the Post Office Terminology Committee of the. Department of Posts and Telecommunications. in collaboration with the

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    • [DOC File]Rich Text Format (RTF) Specification 1.6

      ‘{‘ \*\generator ‘;’ ‘}’ #PCDATA, the name of the program, the version, the build, and any other information about the emitting program can be listed here. Word 2002 lists {\*\generator Microsoft Word 10.0.XXXX} in which XXXX is replaced by the build number. Only ASCII text is allowed in this field ...

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    • [DOC File]Akoma Ntoso Version 1.0 Part 1: XML Vocabulary

      The 'name' attribute must be used for naming the element. When required, the attribute name gives a name to the element. hcontainer The hcontainer element is a generic element for a hierarchical container. It can be placed in a hierarchy instead of any of the other hierarchical containers. The attribute name is required and gives a name to the ...

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    • [DOC File]EMIS NUMBER / School Code

      Name of School 1.1 Grades: From (lowest) To (highest) Region Constituency Code School Location: Name of Town / Village/ Settlement where school is located Inspection Circuit Code Circuit Name Cluster Center As your school belongs to a cluster, state the code and name of the cluster center school.

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    • [DOC File]Akoma Ntoso Version 1.0 Part 1: XML Vocabulary

      It can be placed inside a block instead of any of the other inlines. The attribute name is required and gives a name to the element marker The marker element is a generic element for a marker. It can be placed in a block instead of any of the other markers. The attribute name is required and gives a name …

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    • [DOC File]Akoma Ntoso Version 1.0 Part 1: XML Vocabulary

      The 'name' attribute must be used for naming the element. The attribute name is required and gives a name to the element. hcontainer The hcontainer element is a generic element for a hierarchical container. It can be placed in a hierarchy instead of any of the other hierarchical containers.

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      SAR INTERNET RESOURCE GUIDE. Revised 12-29-01. The following directory is intended to be a comprehensive listing of “tools” and resources that can be used by SAR personnel during an emergency operation or pre-planning efforts.

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