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      The air instruction apparatus in the G.H. shops is completed and ready for use. Born to Mr. and Mrs. John Merrell a girl baby. 14 Years Ago In El Paso. March 3, 1899. J.J. Crawford, of the firm of Stewart & Crawford, returns from Chihuahua, where his firm has the contract for the finishing of the new federal building at that point.

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    • [DOC File]Ambush Case Studies in Vietnam

      The last lesson that was learned in both Vietnam and Iraq is a guerrilla force fears air power. Any convoy in Vietnam or Iraq that rolled with air cover usually did not get ambushed. When convoys were ambushed, it usually ended when the combat aviation arrived. The lesson is when anticipating an ambush, call for air support.

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    • [DOC File]Chapter 01 - New World Beginnings

      A third and much smaller British force commanded by Col. Barry St. Ledger would come in from the west by way of Lake Ontario and the Mohawk Valley. However, Benedict Arnold, after failure at Quebec, retreated slowly along the St. Lawrence back to Lake Champlain, where the British would have to win control (of the lake) before proceeding.

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      Their convention sat at St. Louis, June 16th. It was an eminently business-like body, even its enthusiasm and applause wearing the air of discipline. In making the platform, powerful efforts for a catch-as-catch-could declaration upon the silver question succumbed to New England's and New York's demand for an unequivocal statement.

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    • [DOCX File]

      Military History Anniversaries 16 thru 31 Oct. Events in History over the next 15 day period that had U.S. military involvement or impacted in some way on U.S military operations

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    • [DOCX File]Veterans Resources - A community for military veterans

      The Air Force soon took back their story, however, saying the debris had been merely a downed weather balloon. Aside from die-hard UFO believers, or “ufologists,” public interest in the so-called “Roswell Incident” faded until the late 1970s, when claims surfaced that the military had invented the weather balloon story as a cover-up.

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