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    • [DOC File]Literacy

      ‘No Gun for Asmir’ by Christobel Mattingly. Year 4/5F. Torrens Valley Christian School. Term 3 2011 . Unit Outline: This unit is based on the novel “No gun for Asmir” by Christobel Mattingly.

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    • [DOCX File]What's Up with UFOs?

      Some fake UFO videos are so sophisticated, it takes a professional CGI specialist to spot them. This faked UFO over Haiti got 17 million YouTube views. UFO "true believers" promote and "authenticate" this fake UFO abduction video, despite protests by …

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    • [DOC File]MagneticBell_12.doc [.pdf]

      While most UFO believers quite understandably like to ignore the links between flying saucers, alien abduction, Germanic origin stories, and Nazi technology rumors, Beckley and his crew prefer to look these nightmarish ideas in the eye and report on them as objectively as possible.

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    • [DOC File]

      Recently the US military released some videos of real-life UFOs. ... And while this UFO might not be proof of alien existence. ... Look at YouTube videos and look at …

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    • [DOC File]May 20, 2014 Jim Oberg advises re news of Russian ICBM ...

      By now, the Russian news media know who the usual suspects are, but many youtube and rutube videos record voices of witnesses still fearing it’s a real UFO. This is actually nothing new in Russia. For fifty years, the biggest “Soviet UFO flaps” and best cases were actually being triggered by various top secret aerospace experiments and ...

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    • [DOC File]The history of exopolitics

      Moreover, the many UFO photographs and videos that I had left in custody at the vault had also been lost. Apparently in 2004, OIFAA computers with their digital archives had also been stolen. Unnecessary losses like this often happen in Peru when administrations change and when a commercial opportunity appears and informality is rampant.

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    • [DOCX File]

      Dr. Jacobs började undersöka kontroversen omkring oidentifierade flygande objekt, UFO, i Amerika redan under mitten av 1960-talet och har samlat över 40 års primära forskningsdata och analytiska hypoteser om ämnet. Dessutom har Dr Jacobs föreläst om ämnet UFO-bortförande vid universitet och högskolor över hela USA.

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    • [DOC File]UFO_Presidents.doc [.pdf]

      This was hardly the first time that Kimmel has gone digging for UFO-alien revelations with presidential personalities on his show. In 2014, President Bill Clinton told Kimmel that when he was the leader of the Free World, he tried unsuccessfully to investigate what the Government was hiding regarding UFOs.

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    • 1. Introduction - PhilArchive: The Philosophy E-Print Archive

      The previously popular term “UFO” is too strongly connected with . Extraterrestrial hypothesis (ETH) and assumes that objects are “alien starships”, which is more like a reflection of 20th-century mythology (the same way similar observations were called “airships” in the 19th century and later “ghost rockets” in 1947 ...

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