Alkene and alkyne reactions

    • [DOC File]Chapter 10, Structure and Bonding in Alkanes

      Alkene 16, 26. Alkyl 21. Alkyl Halide 26. Alkyne 16, 26. Amide 28. Amine 27. Amino Acids 29. Amino Acids having Alkyl Side Chains 29. Analytical Data 5. Arene 16. Aromatic 16, 26. Attachment Position(s) 20. Automation 2. B. balance reactions 25. benzene 16. bond angles 11, 13. Bond angles 18. Bond Angles 6, 10. Bond distances 18. Bond Distances ...

    • [DOC File]Unit 9: Organic Chemistry

      SUBSTITUTION REACTIONS _____ Example: C4H10 + Cl2 ( C4H9Cl + HCl. Draw the reactants in the following reactions and predict possible products of the substitution. reaction. C3H8 + F2. ADDITION REACTIONS. Addition two atoms to an alkene or alkyne _____ _____

    • [DOC File]DATE __________ DIVISION

      Alkene and Alkyne Reactions: Electrophilic Addition to Pi-Bonds. 9 Understand . electrophilic addition by learning a variety of reactions that will result in additions across the pi-bond(s) of both alkenes and alkynes. Predict. regiochemistry and stereochemistry of addition. Distinguish


      reactions of electrophiles directly on the aromatic ring, and . reactions of the substituents (since the neighbouring aromatic group influences its reactivity). For reactions directly on the aromatic ring: The cyclic array of pi-bonds is a region of high electron density so arenes are typically nucleophiles (like alkenes and alkynes).


      Alkyne structure hybridization sp, nomenclature, physical properties, acidity of alkyne, industrial sources of acetylene and its use, reactions of alkyne and their synthesis. Twelfth week: UV-VIS spectroscopy, diene, structure and nomenclature, the stability of the conjugated diene, addition 1.2 versus 1.4, speed versus equilibrium reaction ...

    • [DOC File]Unit 17: Organic Chemistry

      If the double bond is not on an end carbon, the name of the alkene will change as follows: Number the carbons from the end of each side…then use the smallest number to tell where the double bond is located. Alkynes: CnH2n-2.unsaturated hydrocarbons with one triple carbon to carbon bond. To name alkynes: use the prefix + -yne

    • [DOC File]Alkenes & Alkynes: Study Guide

      Alkyne Additions: Similar to alkene reactions, with the following exceptions: Needs _____ to go to alkane. Requires_____of the addition reagent. _____ followed in each of the 2 steps. May stop at alkene. If _____ of the addition reagent is available ...

    • [DOC File]Chapter 1 Organic Chem

      Write equations for the reactions of ozonolysis and oxidation with KMnO4. Given the structures of ozonolysis products, deduce the structure of the unsaturated hydrocarbon that produced them. Describe 2 simple chemical tests that can distinguish an alkane from an alkene or alkyne.

    • [DOC File]Chemistry: The Central Science, 12e (Brown et al

      8) Which statement about addition reactions between alkenes and HBr is false? A) The addition occurs at the double bond. B) Bromine attacks the alkene carbon atom possessing a partial positive charge. C) A hydrogen atom attaches to the alkene carbon atom possessing a partial negative charge. D) The π bond breaks in the course of the reaction.

    • [DOC File]Chapter 11: Alkenes, Alkynes, and Aromatic Compounds

      Alkyne Reactions. Generic Reaction. Very like Alkenes. Normally Double Addition. Hydrogenation: Addition of H2 or D2 (Pt catalyst) Addition of X2 (Cl2 or Br2) Addition of HX (most commonly HCl and HBr) Markovnikov Addition. Addition of H2O (H+ catalyst) Markovnikov Addition. Secondary elimination of water from diol. gives carbonyl group ...

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