Alkene reactions cheat sheet

    • [PDF File]Chapter 8 - Alkenes, Alkynes and Aromatic Compounds

      Rearrangement Reactions. 37 Substitution Reactions 37 . 8.7 Alkene Polymers. 38 The Production of Polyethylene. 38 . 8.8 Chapter Summary. 42 . 8.9 References. 45 . Opening Essay . Our modern society is based to a large degree on the chemicals we discuss in this chapter. Most are made from petroleum. In Chapter 7, we noted that alkanes ...

    • [PDF File]7-Reactions of Alkenes and Alkynes

      Reactions with H 2 Reduction using Pd or Pt does not stop Alkene is more reactive than alkyne Fall, 2007 53 Reactions with H 2 Lindler’s catalyst is poisoned Not as reactive Stops at cis -alkene Fall, 2007 54 Reduction using dissolving metals Anhydrous ammonia (NH 3) is a liquid below -33 ºC Alkali metals dissolve in liquid ammonia

    • [PDF File]Chapter 1 Organic Compounds: Alkanes

      Chapter 1 Alkanes 6 11 What’s So Great About Carbon? • Carbon atoms can form stable bonds to many other elements (H, F, Cl, Br, I, O, N, S, P, etc.). Most organic compounds contain a few hydrogens, and sometimes oxygen, nitrogen, sulfur, phosphorus, etc.

    • [PDF File]Alkene Addition Reactions Cheat Sheet - Chemistry Steps

      2)NaBH4,NaOH H2SO4 dilute 1)BH3,THF 2)H2O2,NaOH KMnO4-OH,cold1)O3 2)Me2S 1)RCO 3H OsO4 Br2 H2O Additionof Hydrogenhalide(HX) Hydroboration-Oxidation Oxymercuration Acid-catalyzedhydration Halogenation

    • [PDF File]Reactions of Alkenes - Rutgers University

      Ch08 Reacns of Alkenes (landscape) Page 1 Reactions of Alkenes Since bonds are stronger than bonds, double bonds tend to react to convert the double bond into bonds This is an addition reaction. (Other types of reaction have been substitution and elimination). Addition reactions are typically exothermic.

    • [PDF File]ORGANIC CHEMISTRY I – PRACTICE EXERCISE Alkene reactions ...

      alkene reactions and mechanisms for questions 1-24, give the major organic product of the reaction, paying particular attention to regio- and stereochemical outcomes. 1) o hcl ch3oh 2) hcl ch3 3) hcl 4) hcl 5) hbr 6) hcl 7) ch3 h3o + 8) h3o + 9) h3o + 10) hg(oac)2, h2o nabh4 ch3 11) hg(oac)2, h2o nabh4

    • [PDF File]Organic Chemistry I: Reactions and Overview

      If the two groups of higher priority are on opposite sides of the double bond, the alkene is designated E. 7.2 Relative Stabilities of Alkenes The trans isomer is generally more stable than the cis isomer The greater number of attached alkyl groups, the greater the stability of an alkene 7.3 actorsF A ecting Elimination Reactions

    • [PDF File]Short Summary of IUPAC Nomenclature of Organic Compounds

      for an alkene or “yne” for an alkyne. Designate the position of the multiple bond with the number of the first carbon of the multiple bond. •Step 4. If the molecule includes Group A functional groups, replace the last “e” with the suffix of the highest priority functional group, and include its position number. •Step 5.

    • [PDF File]Chapter 17: Alcohols and Phenols

      17.7 Some reactions of alcohols A. Reactions involving the C-O bond Dehydration to alkenes: E1 mechanism (reactivity: 3° > 2° >> 1°) requires strong acid catalyst (H 2SO 4) water is a much better leaving group than HO-usually follows Zaitzev’s rule OH H 3CCCH 2CH 3 CH 3 H 2SO 4 H 2O, 3THF C H 3C H 3C C CH H H2C C H 23-H 2O 95 Dehydration ...

    • [PDF File]but may not be edited in any way - Leah4sci

      ALkYNE REACTIONS (c) Con 2- CH3-CECnCHB OH H Soq BH3 THF -—xce CUB -C =C-H eh - hob KET OzonoVosts 03 — cla P c carboxðk C+ c+ Qoes%ons ? ORG oQLea.WScilco«n Leab4Sci presents: CHEAT SHEET COLLECTION ) k o x Tnercom\ìonvßeåocho H osoq no H no H-sh..ê* OAen cot OH ALkENE REACT) ONS (c) Leah q sci. con on — Redo dion San Add H ion , C+

    • [PDF File]Organic chemistry synthesis reactions cheat sheet

      This guide is designed to help you recognize alkene reaction products at a glance including key components such as syn / anti-supplements or Markovnikov / anit-Markovnikov products. If you find this cheat sheet useful, please click on the share buttons above To dive into alkene reactions watch my video tutorial or visit my Reaction Library.

    • [PDF File]Organic Reactions Summary Alkenes, alkynes and variations ...

      y:\files\classes\Organic Chemistry Tool Chest\Reactions Lists\Org rxns summary, alkenes, -ynes, with mechs.doc Example reactions Ph P Ph 1. Br 2. n-BuLi 3. CH3CH=O Ph Normal Wittig Z alkene preferred Br R 1. Ph P Ph Ph 2. n-BuLi 3. CH3CH=O Normal Wittig Z alkene preferred Br 1. Ph P Ph Ph 2. n-BuLi 3. CH3CH=O E2 R Br S S 1. Ph P Ph Ph 2. n-BuLi ...

    • [PDF File]Organic Chemistry Reactions Cheat Sheet

      another, alkene reaction shortcuts and products overview by leah fisch this video is a review of my alkene reaction cheat sheet study guide how to memorize organic chemistry reactions and reagents, chem 120 organic chemistry worksheet 6

    • Gr. 12 Organic Chemistry Cheat Sheet by nescafeabusive32 ...

      Halogen in benzene halide reactions forms product meta position only (1,3-[ X]b enzene) Add ition Reactions Add atoms across double /triple bond Alkene s/a lkynes are nucl eop hiles (they like to give up e ) Hydr oha log ena tio n CxHy + HX CxH y+1X Halo gen ation CxHy + X2 CxH yX2

    • Organic Chemistry Cheat Sheet

      Alkene -ene Alkyne -yne Cyclic cyclo-Arom atics -benzene Alco hol -ol Ether -oxy- or -ether Alde hyde -al Keyt one -one Carb oxylic Acid -oic acid Ester -oate Amine -amine or amino-Amide -amide Thiol -thiol Formation Reactions Forming Alkanes Hydrog enation of Alkene (Addition RX) H2 + Alkene = Alkane Forming Alkenes Dehydr ation of Alcohol

    • [PDF File]© These cheat sheets may be shared with ...

      Alkene Reactions Alkyne Reactions Reaction Map SN1 SN2 E1 E2 Electrophilic Aromatic Substitution Oxidation and Reduction Carboxylic Acid Derivatives. Visit ... ALKYNE REACTIONS CHEAT SHEET STUDY GUIDE ©LEAH4SC1 qedodìon OH SO 1.4 H HBO BH3 T HT- OH pc o CUB -C =C-H redo dion chon C i S - hob KET H non - Cleavay CAB) z S

    • [PDF File]Handout: Organic Chemistry Reactions

      Handout: Organic Chemistry Reactions Reactions Organized by Compound Families Alkanes 1. Combustion 2. Halogenation Alkenes and Alkynes 1. Additions: hydrogenation, halogenation, hydrohalogenation, hydration 2. Polymerization Aromatic Compounds Substitutions: nitration, halogenation, sulfonation Alcohols 1. Elimination: dehydration 2 ...

    • [PDF File]Organic Reactions Summary For Use as a Study Guide Beauchamp

      Typical First Year Organic Reactions Beauchamp 6 y:\files\classes\Organic Chemistry Tool Chest\Reactions Lists\Org rxns summary, SN-E, C=O, epoxides chem, with mechs.doc 1. Making RBr from alkane and alkene hydrocarbons and alcohols a.

    • [PDF File]Chem 350 Jasperse Ch. 8 Handouts 1 Summary of Alkene ...

      Summary of Alkene Reactions, Ch. 8. Memorize Reaction, Orientation where Appropriate, Stereochemistry where Appropriate, and Mechanism where Appropriate. -all are drawn using 1-methylcyclohexene as a prototype alkene, because both orientation and stereochemistry effects are readily apparent. Orientation Stereo Mechanism 1 HrB r (no peroxides) c

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