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      All users must use strong passwords. Passwords must be protected at all times and must be changed at least every 90 days. User access rights must be reviewed at regular intervals. It is a user’s responsibility to prevent their userID and password being used …

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    • How To Find All Passwords Entered On My Computer WIndows 10.

      All passwords are restricted by a corporate-wide password policy to be of a "Strong" nature. This means that all passwords must conform to restrictions and limitations that are designed to make the password difficult to guess. ... Example: Do not copy a work spreadsheet to your USB key and take it home to work on your home PC. Data may be ...

      passwords used on this computer

    • [DOC File]Password & PIN Security

      Passwords must not be included in any type of batch login file, clear text file, script or procedure. The use of an “auto-login” feature to automatically log a PC onto the network is strictly prohibited, unless the IT system is functioning as a kiosk.

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    • [DOC File]IT Access Policy Template

      The Tutorial is step-by-step guide to the operation and use of the PC Moderator. In order to change configurations or major settings after the PC Moderator has been set using the First Time Setup, the Main Setup program must be run. The Main Setup program allows changing the clock, passwords and user time settings. How to Setup the PC Moderator.

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    • [DOC File]PC Moderator First Time Setup Description

      In Part 1, you will set up the network topology and configure basic settings on the PC hosts and switches. Cable the network as shown in the topology. Attach the devices as shown in the topology diagram, and cable as necessary. ... Encrypt the plaintext passwords. Create a banner that warns anyone accessing the device that unauthorized access ...

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    • [DOCX File]Employee IT Security Awareness & Training Policy

      Passwords must not be kept in written form or in a manner which would enable access to VAMMIS by other persons. Passwords may not be stored in a programmable terminal or PC. Passwords that have been disclosed in order to resolve a user access problem must be changed immediately. If my user ID (or logon ID) is inactive for 30 consecutive days ...

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    • [DOCX File]Appendix F. Information Security Policy Template

      Unfortunately, if you have this feature enabled and have stored all of your passwords in the browser’s cache, then all a hacker would need to do is crack that file (which will not be encrypted, particularly on a browser) and your log-in/password information is compromised.

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    • Professional and Technical Services Contract - template

      All means of access (IDs, passwords, magnetic card/smart card) to information kept in the computer systems shall be taken away immediately from every staff who has tendered his/her resignation or whose services has been terminated

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    • [DOCX File]Lab - Configure DHCPv6

      The system must allow for all passwords to be easily changed by authorized agency users based on security access to the system ... The software must be capable of remotely controlling the Administrative PC. ... All offeror’s involved in the negotiation process will be invited to submit a best and final offer.

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