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      Both African Americans13 and Latinos14 are more likely to be overweight or obese. Asians, including Hmong, have higher rates of death from stroke and diabetes.15 Children in such …

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    • [DOC File]FORTY-FIRST REGULAR SESSION - Organization of American …

      Such a shift would allow each bank to manage its liquidity according to its posiition and in response to price signals. The Central Bank has the right, under the Central Bank of Belize Act, to control credit and interest rates …

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      organization of american states. general assembly. forty-first regular session. san salvador, el salvador. june 5 – 7, 2011. proceedings. volume i. ag/dec. 66 - ag/dec. 68 (xli-o/11) ag/res. 2617 - ag/res. 2698 (xli-o/11) certified texts of the declarations and resolutions. general secretariat. organization of american …

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      HAVING SEEN resolutions CIDI/RES. 121 (VII-O/02) and AG/RES. 1858 (XXXII-O/02), “Report of the Twelfth Inter-American Conference of Ministers of Labor”; resolution CEPCIDI/RES. 86 (LXXXVIII-O/03), "Convocation of the XIII Inter-American …

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