American journal of applied psychology

    • [PDF File]Journal of Applied Psychology - Santa Clara University

      Bezrukova, Psychology Department, Santa Clara University, 500 El Camino Real, Santa Clara, CA 95053 E-mail: This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers. This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

    • [PDF File]The Rise of Robots Increases Job Insecurity and Maladaptive Workplace ...

      4 Department of Psychology and Neuroscience, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill 5 Department of Management and Organizations, Northwestern University 6 School of Business, Sun Yat-sen University Robots are transforming the nature of human work. Although human–robot collaborations can create new

    • [PDF File]Predicting Unit Performance by Assessing Transformational and ...

      over a 1-year period. Geyer and Steyrer (1998) evaluated the leadership of managers heading Austrian branch banks, reporting a stronger positive relationship between transformational leader-

    • [PDF File]Changes to the Work–Family Interface During the COVID-19 Pandemic ...

      due to the COVID-19 pandemic. However, applied psychologists have limited understanding of how employee experiences of work–family conflict and enrichment have been affected by this event and what organizations can do to ensure better employee functioning during such societal crises. Adopting a

    • [PDF File]Videoconference Fatigue? Exploring Changes in Fatigue After ...

      This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers. This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

    • [PDF File]Common Method Biases in Behavioral Research: A Critical Review of the ...

      study of just the applied psychology literature. In addition to these estimates of the extent to which method variance is present in typical measures, there is also a growing body of research examining the extent to which method variance influences relationships between measures (cf. Fuller, Patterson,

    • [PDF File]Leadership in Applied Psychology: Three Waves of Theory and Research

      2004). This technique was introduced to researchers in applied psychology (Schmidt & Hunter, 1977), and it was subsequently applied to leadership research published in the Journal (e.g., Lord, De Vader, & Alliger, 1986). Meta-analysis can help to close out productive lines of research by providing a definitive summary of prior findings in an area.

    • [PDF File]Journal of Applied Psychology - Harvard University

      Journal of Applied Psychology Rainmakers: Why Bad Weather Means Good Productivity Jooa Julia Lee, Francesca Gino, and Bradley R. Staats Online First Publication, January 13, 2014. doi: 10.1037/a0035559 ... This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers. This article is intended solely for ...

    • [PDF File]Bargaining While Black - American Psychological Association

      stereotype applied to the negotiator (i.e., buyers; job seekers)— descriptive or prescriptive—might affect bargaining outcomes. For instance, Adam and Shirako (2013) found that East Asian negoti-ators who violated race-stereotypic expectations by expressing anger (i.e., violating the descriptive stereotype that East Asians are

    • [PDF File]Personality Change Following Unemployment

      Psychology, University of Southampton. The authors would like to extend thanks to James Banks, Eamonn Ferguson, and Nattavudh Powdthavee for helpful comments. The Eco-nomic and Social Research Council (PTA-026-27-2665, ES/K00588X/1) and the University of Stirling provided research support. The data used

    • Note Taking, Review, Memory, and Comprehension - JSTOR

      been also been applied to video, film, and interactive video games (Copeland et al., 2006; Magliano, Rad-vansky, & Copeland, 2007; Zacks, Speer, & Reynolds, 2009). Finally, to address the long-term impacts of such manipulations, we tested memory both immediately after learning and 1 week later. eXperiMent 1


      mental tests and Titchener, or applied psychology and Titch-ener. His death thus, in a sense, creates a classificatory chaos in American systematic psychology.2 Titchener was born on January II, 1867, at Chichester, Eng-land, an old Roman town with walls still standing, about seventy miles south of London and not far from the coast. There is an

    • [PDF File]The Fatiguing Effects of Camera Use in Virtual Meetings: A Within ...

      1 Department of Psychology, University of Georgia 2 Department of Management and Organizations, ... This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers. This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly. ... Journal of Applied ...

    • [PDF File]The Impact of Organizational Performance on the Emergence of Asian ...

      group constitutes one of the largest subgroups of the Asian American minority, and the stereotypical perceptions of Asian Americans most strongly apply to the members of this group (U.S. Census Bureau, 2010; Williams, 2008). Although Asian American is an overarching term refer-ring to diverse subgroups, individuals of East Asian descent living ...

    • [PDF File]Journal of Applied Psychology - Workplace Insight

      Journal of Applied Psychology The Regulating Role of Mindfulness in Enacted Workplace Incivility: An Experience Sampling Study Ute R. Hülsheger, Suzanne van Gils, and Alicia Walkowiak ... This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers. This article is intended solely for the personal use ...

    • [PDF File]Journal of Applied Psychology - American Psychological Association

      Journal of Applied Psychology Being Present and Thankful: A Multi-Study Investigation of Mindfulness, Gratitude, and Employee Helping Behavior ... This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers. This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be ...

    • [PDF File]Changing to Daylight Saving Time Cuts Into Sleep and Increases ...

      the management and applied psychology literatures have not con-sidered the set of twice-yearly time changes associated with Day-light Saving Time. As of 2008, 74 countries around the world participate in Daylight Saving Time (, 2008). In the spring, there is a 1-hr shift such that clocks are set forward 1

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