Anderson 1 district

    • [DOCX File]2013-2014 Bill 4633: Anderson County Board of Education ...

      “(A)(1)Notwithstanding any other provision of law, beginning with vacancies filled at the election conducted in 2014, the nine defined singlemember election districts from which each member of the Anderson County Board of Education must be elected by the qualified electors of that district are as defined on the official map designated a S070014 prepared by and on file with the Office of ...

    • [DOC File]87 Transportation (Department of)

      District 1-0. Anderson Terry 814/678-7383. District 2-0. Balliet Robert 814/263-4202. District 3-0. Vacant 570/368-4416. District 10-0. Langham Troy 724/366-1607. Southern Region Facilities Administrator. Rice Jack 814/696-7299. District 8-0. Walker Emanuel 848-6230. District 9-0. Vacant 814/696-7124. District 11-0. Kirchner Marci 412/429-4814 ...


      If you do not want the Anderson County School District to disclose directory information from your child’s education records without your prior written consent, you must notify the District in writing by September 13 or within 30 days of enrolling. Please send this request to the Anderson County Board of …

    • [DOC File]Anderson County High School Council Policy

      District: Anderson School: ACHS. Anderson County High School Council Policy. District: Anderson School: ACHS. Policy Number. S F * 0 0 1 . Council Policy Type (Check One) By-Laws (Council Operational Policies) Function (School Operational Policies) Policy Topic Description. ACHS GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS. P. 1…

    • [DOC File]Anderson School District One

      I release Anderson School District Two from any liability or damages that may result from the use of PowerSchool. I accept full responsibility and liability for the results of my actions concerning the use of PowerSchool. In addition, I agree to hold Anderson School District Two and all of their administrators, teachers, and staff harmless from ...

    • [DOC File]S

      SECTION 1. CREATION. (a) A groundwater conservation district, to be known as the Neches and Trinity Valleys Groundwater Conservation District, is created in Anderson, Cherokee, and Henderson counties subject to approval at a confirmation election held under Section 9 of this Act.

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