Animal research testing

    • [DOCX File]Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee Standard ...

      May 22, 2018 · All animal research must be covered by a PHS Assurance. By law, all animal research must comply with the Animal Welfare Act (codified at 7 U.S.C. Sections 2131-2159), the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Animal Welfare Act Regulations and Standards (AWAR) (Title 9 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Parts 1-4), and 42 CFR 73, Possession, Use, and Transfer of Select …

      animal testing studies

    • [DOC File]U

      The animal users, with their vested interests are in the best position to define the needs of the institution's research, testing, and educational efforts and to implement experimental designs and animal use procedures which will support both quality science and humane care and use of animals.

      animal testing in medical research

    • [DOC File]Animal Study Protocol Application Form

      Provisions of the USDA Animal Welfare Act and Regulations. UM’s policies governing the use of animals in research, testing, or teaching. The Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals. State the reason/s if you cannot agree to any of these statements: SIGNATURES. Department

      why animal testing is good

    • [DOCX File]USSOCOM

      **Animal research/testing. work. MAY NOT be initiated . prior to receipt of. VRO. approval. ** *Animal work initiated without . VRO. approval is noncompliant and may not be funded.* A DoD Component Oversight Office, such as VRO, must approve DoD-funded projects that propose to use animals for research or testing. The research institution must ...

      how is animal testing done


      INSTITUTIONAL ANIMAL CARE AND USE COMMITTEE (IACUC) GUIDANCE ON PROMPT REPORTING OF UNANTICIPATED PROBLEMS/PROTOCOL DEVIATIONS/ ADVERSE EVENTS . The IACUC Adverse Event or Unanticipated Outcome/Problem Form must be used for reporting any adverse or unanticipated event affecting animals used in research, testing or teaching.

      why animals should not be tested on

    • [DOCX File]How to Write an Application Involving Research Animals

      Your institution must ensure that staff working with animals are appropriately trained. This includes investigators, animal technicians, and other personnel involved in animal care, treatment, or use on research or testing methods that minimize the number of …

      animal testing research essay


      Animal research refers to any use of laboratory animals in research, testing or training. c. Association for Assessment and Accreditation of Laboratory Animal Care International (AAALAC). AAALAC is the accrediting body for animal research programs recognized by the VA. d. Animal Component of Research protocol (ACORP).

      research on animals

    • [DOC File]USDA Pain and Distress Categories - Office of Research ...

      13.Paralysis or immobility in a conscious animal Ocular or skin irritancy testing. Burns or trauma. Radiation sickness. Toxicological or microbiological testing, cancer research or infectious disease research that requires continuation until clinical symptoms are evident or death occurs.

      animals used in medical research

    • [DOC File]Animal Research Questions - North Central College

      Animal Research Questions. Your group may choose to research one of the following animals of the Amazon Rain Forest: boa constrictor, toucan, macaw, tree porcupine, howler monkey, ocelot, anaconda, piranha, iguana, anteater, jaguar or three-toed sloth. After you have chosen your animal, each group member must answer all questions on your ...

      animal testing studies

    • [DOC File]Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee – Standard ...

      An animal for purposes of compliance with the Animal Welfare Act Regulations (see Sec. 1.1) is any live or dead cat or dog, non-human primate, guinea pig, hamster, rabbit, or any other warm-blooded animal which is being used, or is intended for use in research, teaching, testing, or experimentation.

      animal testing in medical research

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