Anorexia nervosa disorder

    • [DOC File]Eating Disorders In Children and Adolescents: A Review of ...

      1. DEFINITION OF THE DISORDER. Anorexia nervosa is defined as the refusal to maintain body weight at or above a minimally normal weight for age and height (e.g., weight loss leading to maintenance of body weight less than 85% of that expected; or failure to make expected weight gain during period of growth, leading to body weight less than 85% of that expected).

    • [DOC File]California State University, Northridge

      Although the role of family in the development of anorexia nervosa is not yet clear, research strongly suggest that family therapy (or at least parent counseling) can be helpful in the treatment of this disorder. What Is The Aftermath of Anorexia Nervosa? The use of combined treatment approaches has …

    • [DOC File]Anorexia Nervosa

      Anorexia nervosa is an eating disorder. It occurs when a person's obsession with dieting and exercise leads to excessive weight loss. People are generally considered anorexic when they refuse to maintain their body weight at or above 85 percent of their ideal body weight. Anorexia can be fatal.

    • [DOCX File]Patient Handouts - Redemption Psychiatry

      Anorexia nervosa is an eating problem that occurs when you are so afraid of becoming overweight that you eat as little as possible. If you have this disorder, you see yourself as being overweight when you are not. This condition is both a physical illness and a mental illness. Hormone …

    • [DOC File]Webquest on Eating Disorders

      1) Research notes on Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia Nervosa. 2) A display board that will inform the class about eating disorders. 3) A Biography Booklet of an individual who is suffering from an eating disorder. 4) You will present your display board and booklet to the class. Research. Use the indicated websites to answer the following questions:

    • [DOC File]11-2-07 Eating Disorders

      of women w/ anorexia can die from complications; risk of death . increases 12x. Health Consequences – include osteoporosis, GI complications, dental problems. Prevalence – in young women, 0.3-1% anorexia, 1-3% bulimia, 3% binge eating, 4-20% unhealthy diets. Eating Disorder Dz . Self-esteem/control

    • [DOCX File]Eating Disorders Anorexia Nervosa Paediatric Inpatient ...

      Anorexia Nervosa is a serious disorder with life-threatening physical and psychological complications . Re-feeding syndrome is a potential complication of initiating nutrition (re-feeding) after a period of poor intake or starvation and may be fatal. Back to Table of Contents.

    • [DOC File]Eating Disorders: An Overview of Anorexia Nervosa and ...

      BN is the most common eating disorder, but anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa sometimes overlap, approximately 50% of anorectics have bulimic symptoms. Most patients with bulimia are of normal weight, overweight or obese (13). Males who are bulimic have a higher prevalence of homosexuality, bisexuality, psychiatric co-morbidity, and/or ...

    • [DOCX File]Proposed CPG for Inpatient treatment of Anorexia Nervosa

      guidelines for MEDICAL Treatment of Eating Disorders . on the INPATIENT PEDIATRIC Unit. Cone Health Pediatrics. TARGET POPULATION. These guidelines apply to all inpatients up to age 19 admitted for a new or previously diagnosed eating disorder diagnosis (see definition below) under the Pediatric Teaching Service.

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