Another word for budget cuts

    • [PDF File]State of New Jersey The Governor’s FY2020 Budget

      Distinguished Budget Presentation Award to the State of New Jersey, for the Annual Budget beginning July 01, 2018. In order to receive this award, a governmental unit must publish a budget document that meets program criteria as a policy document, as an operations guide, as a financial plan, and as a communications device.

      another word for balanced budget


      BUDGET INFORMATION AND INSTRUCTIONS _____ General Instructions • Please see the NEH Sample Budget (PDF) for an example of what an acceptable NEH budget looks like. • Using the Sample Budget as a guide, you may create your budget using the spreadsheet or word

      synonym for budget

    • [PDF File]6 Alternative Budget Models for Colleges and Universities

      6 Alternative Budget Models for Colleges and Universities ... Budget cuts are made as a percentage of the institution’s historical budget, and are typically across-the-board in reach. Benefit ... Another reason to implement centralized budgeting is that some

      another word for under budget

    • [PDF File]Budgets: The Roadmap for Your Association

      ention the word “budget,” and you often see a reaction of fear or disdain in the face of the person who is responsible for this key ... excess to another fund. Breaking It Down Each year’s HOA budget is really your association’s road map for the future, expressed in financial terms. Each dollar

      another word for quick

    • [PDF File]USD 497 NEWS - Ellington CMS

      May 27, 2015 · USD 497 NEWS Contact: Julie Boyle, Director of Communications 110 McDonald Drive, Lawrence, KS 66044 ... would be necessary to prevent $2 million in budget cuts ... to review budget proposals. Another administrative budget update will be presented during the board’s June 22 meeting. The board will approve the 2015-16 budget for publication on ...

      words associated with budgeting

    • [PDF File]Financing and Budgeting - ECLKC

      Financing and Budgeting for Early Care and Education Facilities | 2 DETERMINING CAPITAL COSTS Developing a Capital Budget Every program has an annual operating budget that reflects ongoing program expenses. This budget includes all income and expenses related to the program, and it spans a specific period of time: the organization’s fiscal year.

      small budget synonym

    • [PDF File]Synonym Sleuth

      Synonym Sleuth Answer Key Item 4156 A synonym is a word that has the same or nearly the same meaning as another word. Underline the words in each row that have the same or nearly the same meaning as the first word. 1. enormous huge tinysmallgigantic 2. abundant uncommon bountiful ample scarce

      under budget synonym

    • [PDF File]Strategic Budget Cutting - The Grantsmanship Center

      Strategic Budget Cutting . By David Maddox . Budget cutting has become one of the most common and unpleasant tasks confronting nonprofit managers. While budget reductions have always been part of the normal cycles of deficit and surplus, of organizational growth and demise, "doing more with less" is now seen as a virtue worth pursuing for its ...

      other words for budget

    • [PDF File]2018.02.15 Trump's budget further harms vulnerable students

      Feb 15, 2018 · • Cuts Reentry Employment Opportunities (REO), a program for formerly incarcerated individuals, by more ... • Another policy proposal would auto-enroll “severely delinquent borrowers” into IDR and create a ... Microsoft Word - 2018.02.15 Trump's budget further harms vulnerable students.docx

      another word for balanced budget

    • [PDF File]UAA FY17 Budget Fact Sheet #1

      UAA FY17 Budget Fact Sheet #1 UA and UAA OPERATING BUDGET SNAPSHOT as of March 25, 2016: UA received $350 million in general funds from the state of Alaska in FY16 on a total operating budget of $916 million. The Board of Regents requested $377 million for FY17, an increase of $27 million for fixed costs like salaries and

      synonym for budget

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