Another word for following up on something

    • [DOC File]B

      Word Play. Allusion – A reference in one piece of literature to something from another piece of literature. Allusions can also be references to person/events/places in history, religion, or myth. Allusions are frequently made in poetry, but can occur in other genres as well.

      follow up on synonym

    • Comprehension Check - Quia

      Look up the word “seam” in the dictionary. Look for the geological meaning of the word. Based on what you discover, why is this an appropriate name for the area? Chapter. 2. What does Katniss do in response to Prim’s name being drawn? Why does Katniss insist that she not cry or respond emotionally? How is television an important factor in ...

      following up synonym for an email

    • [DOCX File]Worked/Partial example 1: calculating potential difference ...

      The word circuit essentially means ‘looping path’. In an electrical circuit the electricity follows along a path made by the conducting material (normally a metal wire) in a loop until it returns back to the start. The starting point could be a power pack, which is connected to the mains electrical supply, or a battery.

      follow up synonym verb

    • [DOCX File]Ms. Jones' Fifth Grade

      The word. sacrifice. means to give up something important to you in order to gain something else. Kimani’s father sacrificed a lot in order. to come to this country. TRY IT! Read this passage. As you read, underline any unfamiliar words. Try to figure out what each new word means, and think of another word to use in its place. 1.

      another way to say following up

    • [DOC File]'Names/Nombres' by Julia Alvarez - Weebly

      subject. The tone can often be described in one word, such as playful, serious, or humorous. Factors that contribute to the tone are word choice, sentence structure, and. sentence length. Notice how the writer’s word choice creates a friendly, informal tone: By the time I was in high school, I was a popular kid, and it showed in my name.

      better word for follow up

    • [DOCX File]Dangling and Misplaced Modifiers DLA

      Modifiers are words, phrases, or clauses that describe (modify) something in a sentence. Modifier examples: the golden statue (word) the statue in the shrine (phrase) the statue that Indiana Jones took (clause) Modifier examples that limit another word or words: …

      another phrase for follow up

    • [DOC File]Menu of Instructional Activities

      The word has nine letters and starts with an s . Baby sitters need to be _____. If someone is_____you can count on them. The word has eight letters and starts with an r . 1. It is hard for dogs to do this with a delicious bone. 2. This word means to “give something up.” 3. This word …

      what to say instead of following up

    • [DOC File]Linguist Sticks

      (But note that having no name is anonymity). Synonym is a noun referring to a word that has the same sense as another. A word can be a synonym of another word or two words can be synonyms. Synonomous is an adjective. A word can be synonymous with another word or two words can be synonymous. The same is true of antonym and hyponym. Task 1 ...

      other ways to say follow up

    • [DOC File]Cultural Competence: Exercises

      Ask subsequent volunteers to say this sentence, each with an emphasis on another word in the sentence. See how different the meaning of the sentence can be, based on the emphasis. Different participants may also hear the same pronunciation differently (they may construe different meanings to one pronunciation).

      follow up on synonym

    • [DOC File]Choose Five - Teach Them

      “Without another word, Peter and Andrew got up and followed Jesus, and so did their friends James and John, who were also fishermen.” (Have “James” and “John” already sitting somewhere in the room. At this point, they get up and follow the others out of the room.) “And it’s a …

      following up synonym for an email

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