Antonym in sentence examples

    • [DOC File]The word _________________ means

      Use it in a sentence: Synonym Antonym Webbing 5 Important Things. Word: Albatross Write 5 important things about this word. Write the most important thing about the word. Frayer Model. Definition: Characteristics: Examples: Synonyms & Antonyms: The word makes me think of: Migrating gives me a migraine. I’m grateful to migrate where it is ...

      antonym clue example sentences

    • [DOC File]I can infer the meaning of an unfamiliar word in a ...

      I can infer the meaning of an unfamiliar word in a sentence using context clues (such as antonyms, synonyms, and other clue words). When a student encounters an unknown word or phrase, he/she should use the clues from the surrounding words to figure out the meaning of …

      50 examples of antonyms

    • [DOC File]6th Grade Vocabulary Dictionary

      4) Antonym (opposite) _____ 5) Synonym _____ 6) Complete one of the following activities: 1. Write a . sentence. with the word. (Bad example = The boy was malicious. Good example = The boy was malicious because he liked to spread rumors and make people cry. 2. …

      examples of antonym


      Directions: You are required to complete all three boxes: definitions, sentence examples, and a synonym and antonym. Make sure to label which term is the synonym and which is the antonym. Use to define each term.

      20 examples of antonyms


      Directions: You are required to complete all three boxes: definitions, sentence examples, and a synonym and antonym. Make sure to label which term is the synonym and which is the antonym. Use to define each term. Vocabulary Word . Definition . Sentence Example . Synonym/Antonym .

      antonymous in a sentence

    • [DOC File]Backwards-design Lesson Plan Template (sample)

      (spelling, part of speech, definition, antonym, write varied sentence structures using context clues) Monday: 3/10. AP essay strategies: practice writing an essay together in class Tuesday: 3/11. Complete class essay Wednesday: 3/12. AP timed writing: two essays from College Board; one prose selection and one open-ended prompt Thursday: 3/13

      example sentence for words

    • [DOCX File]Types of Context Clues

      Contrast or Antonym C. lues-An opposite meaning of the vocabulary word is provided. This clue often requires students to catch and understand the signal word. The contrast or antonym clue often appears in the same sentence or subsequent sentences. Example: Chad is calm and quiet, but his brother is . boisterous.Description Clues-

      examples of sentences with phrases


      Feb 15, 2017 · (antonym – Epistrophe) Definition: The term literally means “carrying back.” It refers to the repetition of the same word or words at the beginning of successive phrases, clauses, or sentences, commonly in conjunction with climax and with parallelism

      examples antonyms and synonyms sentence

    • [DOCX File]Vocabulary for “The Interlopers” by Saki

      Vocabulary for “The Interlopers” by Saki. 1. acquiesce: (v) to comply with; assent to without protest. 2. ambush: (n) the act of waiting in a concealed position in order to launch a surprise attack; (v) to lie in wait, to attack suddenly from a concealed position

      antonym clue example sentences

    • [DOCX File]annoyance- a feeling of slight anger

      Your graduation ceremony will be the conclusion to your course of study in this program. It will be the very end of this program of study. The conclusion of the book is the very last chapter, the very end.

      50 examples of antonyms

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