Ar 2nd grade reading list

    • Assessment - RCPS

      DSA Form A: Within Word Feature List. 1. patch The pirate had a patch over his eye. 2. couch His grandmother sat on the couch reading. 3. steep The hill was very steep. 4. cute Everyone thought the baby was cute. 5. bridge The bridge had to be fixed. 6. glare The glare of the sun made it hard to see. 7. scrap A scrap of paper was found on the ...

      6th grade ar reading list

    • [DOC File]Second Grade Newsletter

      October 29th – November 2nd. Reading. African American Inventors a biography by Jim Haskins. Pg. 290-310. Skills – vocabulary, reading comprehension, myths, compare and contrast, inflectional endings, suffixes, time lines, fiction, nonfiction. Open Response: List three ways from the story in which Sarah Goode and Patricia Bath are alike.

      3rd grade ar book list

    • 2nd Grade Houghton Mifflin Reading At A Glance

      2nd Grade Houghton Mifflin Reading At A Glance . ... Amazing Animals 1 Monitor/ Clarify drawing conclusions r-controlled vowels ar r-controlled vowels or, ore dictionary entry words the vowel + r sounds board, listen, told 2 Question text organization words with nd, nt, mp, ng, nk base words and endings using a thesaurus words that end with nd ...

      5th grade ar book list

    • [DOC File]Language Arts Curriculum Map Grade 2

      Indiana Reading Diagnostic Assessment Administration 1, 2, 3. Making Meaning Assessment Records. Fundations Unit Assessments. NWEA – 2nd grade. Quarterly Writing . AR Test results. Daily Language Review DLR. Daily Assessment Spelling Tests. 2nd grade – cont’d….. Self Selected Reading Records. Responding to Literature. Narrative Writing

      1st grade ar book list

    • [DOC File]Second Grade Summer Reading List

      AR Sweet Summer Reading Program: Checkout books & take AR quizzes. Tuesdays 10:00-3:00. Wednesdays 2:00-7:00. Fee $10.00. Enroll by calling 981-0917, 298-4937. or just come to the Prairie Library! Nonfiction. Barner, Bob Hannah, Julie Janeczko, Paul Jenkins, Steve Leedy, Loreen. ... Second Grade Summer Reading List ...

      5th grade ar list

    • [DOC File]Arkansas Literacy Coaching Model .us

      List other professional experiences within the last five years related to your interest in reading/language arts (workshops, conferences, curriculum committees, etc.): List experiences in school leadership roles (participating or coordinating school teams, study groups, …

      ar books for 3rd grade

    • [DOC File]Benchmark Advance - Instructional Materials (CA Dept of ...

      Grade 5, TRS, Unit 1, AR, p. 3: Make a science safety poster lists the objective to research information about James Madison/federalism. Grade 5, TRS, Unit 1, p. 61: Paragraph 3 has “i’ve” two times. Grade 5, TRS, Unit 4: Divider is at p. 133, Unit 4 starts at p. 99. Grade 5, TRS, Unit 8: Divider is …

      accelerated reading list by grade

    • [DOC File]2ND GRADE NEWSLETTER - Weebly

      1st QUARTER AR TOTAL. I’m pleased to announce that the 2nd graders finished with 92.4 Accelerated Reading Points for the first quarter! This is a great effort on everyone’s part! I know they really want that end of the year party, and they only need 307.6 more points to earn it! BOOK-IT! REMINDER

      2nd grade ar book list

    • [DOC File]Student Choice Reading Homework Menu

      Play 2 games or activities on www.spellingcity.comusing our list for the week. (1 pt) Write about how you feel about the main character in the story we are reading in class. Compare and contrast yourself to the character. (3 pts) Read your AR book for 30 minutes and tell someone in your house what you read and about the characters. (2 pts)

      6th grade ar reading list

    • [DOC File]Effective Literacy Book List .us

      *Note grade levels for the following texts: Word Sorts for Letter Name-Alphabetic Spellers by Johnston et al (2nd grade & Sp.Ed) (0-13-183813-X) Word Sorts for Syllable Juncture Spellers by Johnston (4th grade) (0-13-113592-9) Developmental Reading Assessment K-3 by Beavers (2nd, 3rd, and Sp. Ed)

      3rd grade ar book list

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