Argument sentence examples


      Usually, the premises of an argument are intended to support (justify) the conclusion of the argument. Before giving some concrete examples of arguments, it might be best to clarify a term in the definition. The word ‘statement’ is intended to mean declarative sentence. In addition to declarative sentences, there are also

    • [PDF File]1. Argument, Proposition, Premise, Conclusion

      the truth value of a sentence (or know how to confirm the truth value) in order for the sentence to be a proposition, e.g. ‘there are 50,304 trees in State College.’ The . conclusion. of an argument is the statement that is said to follow from (or be supported by) a set of statements, while the . premises

    • [PDF File]In-Text Citation Examples

      In-text Citation Examples for a Paper Written in APA Style . Description of Citation Type of Citation Explanation Example Quote with author’s name in text with designated page numbers. Narrative Citation Author’s name is in text with date immediately afterward in parentheses. At the end of the sentence, add the page number is in parentheses.

    • [PDF File]Commentary Notes Writing commentary means giving your ...

      Sentence 1 (TS) Pip is a lonely boy whose visit to the nearby cemetery scares him. Sentence 2 (CD) For example, he meets a convict who threatens his life by saying "keep still, you little devil, or I'll cut your throat" and tells Pip to bring him some food and a file. Sentence 3 (CM) Pip is frightened by the man's wild appearance and rough


      argument #1 Supporting argument #2 Supporting argument #3 Restatement of thesis in slightly different words You should think of supporting arguments as mini-papers because the information that follows the main idea of a supporting argument “backs up” the main idea, just as any given main idea backs up a thesis.

    • [PDF File]Chapter 9 CLOSING ARGUMENT

      An argument against a juror’s tentative decision may only strengthen that juror’s belief as he or she thinks up counter-arguments. The more you try, the more jurors may feel they are being manipu- ... He has been given a life sentence, without any possibility of parole or time off for good behavior — for which you should award

    • [PDF File]Section 3.5 Write arguments in symbolic form and valid ...

      Symbolize the argument, construct a truth table, and determine if the argument is valid. If I pass the exam, then I will graduate. I graduated Therefore, I passed the exam p = pass the exam g = I will graduate If I pass the exam, then I will graduate. (p →g) I graduated (g) Therefore, I passed the exam (p) Argument: (( p →g) ∧g) →p

    • [PDF File]CHAPTER 2

      Recall a proposition is a declarative sentence that is either true or false. Here are some further examples of propositions: Example 1.2.6. All cows are brown. Example 1.2.7. The Earth is further from the sun than Venus. Example 1.2.8. There is life on Mars. Example 1.2.9. 2 2 = 5: Here are some sentences that are not propositions. Example 1.2.10.

    • [PDF File]Arguments vs. Explanations

      sentence. That’s why it’s easy to confuse arguments and explanations, they have a similar structure. What is an argument? An argument is an attempt to provide support for a claim. One useful way of thinking about this is that an argument is, at least potentially, something that could be used to persuade someone about the truth

    • [PDF File]Propositions and Arguments

      idea is not that each sentence (e.g., “I am hungry”) is a proposition. Rather, the idea is that . what the sentence says. when uttered in a certain context—the claim it makes about the world—is a proposition. 6 . To make this distinction clear, we first need to clarify the notion of a . sentence —and to do that, we need to clarify ...

    • [PDF File]Three Ways to Support an Argument - University of Montana

      examples of mistreatment to support the claim that women’s right to vote was “hard-won”. She also draws a conclusion from the examples in her final sentence. Women’s right to vote is a relatively new and hard-won privilege. The suffragists, who demonstrated for their cause in front of the White House in 1917, were incarcerated and tortured.

    • [PDF File]Sentences, Statements and Arguments

      The statement expressed by the above sentence may be used in an argument, either as premise or conclusion. It is however, only one statement. An argument must consist of at least two statements, a conclusion and at least one premise. Exercise 2.3

    • [PDF File]Sentence Types and Functions

      Choose the sentence type that will most clearly and accurately convey the logic of your idea. Consider the amount of information your readers need, and consider the links the readers need to process the information. Vary sentence structures to pace your readers through your argument. Functions of Simple Sentences


      An argument, in the context of your university career, is a formal way to make a point in academic writing. This remains distinct from the "real world" definition where an argument might mean a fight or a conflict. An argument consists of two parts. 1. Firstly, a claim or statement that summarizes the main idea 2.

    • [PDF File]How to write an argumentative or opinion paragraph

      sentence. • Writing a paragraph, it is better to adopt one opinion as you do not have time or space to discuss both sides. • In an essay, it is best to express both sides, each in a separate paragraph, with an introduction of the topic and a conclusion of the summary of your opinion.

    • [PDF File]Transition Words for Argument Writing

      Transition Words for Argument Writing Introducing Examples That is to say In other words For example For instance Namely An example of this As in the following examples Such as Including Especially Particularly In particular Notably Chiefly Mainly Mostly Writing in Lists/Sequence First(ly) Second(ly) Third(ly) Another Yet another

    • [PDF File]Useful Argumentative Essay Words and Phrases

      Examples of Argumentative Language ... Signposting sentences explain the logic of your argument. They tell the reader what you are going to do at key ... You may also wish to add your own sentence stems to the list below: Signposting stems for an introduction

    • [PDF File]Argumentative Essay Examples Sentence Starters

      Argumentative,Essay,Introduction, The$introduction$to$an$argumentative$essay$should$have$three$parts:$the$hook,$an$explanation$of$ the$issue,$and$a$clearly$stated ...

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