Arizona teacher certification requirements

    • [DOCX File]Arizona State Board of Education | Fostering Excellence in ...

      Recommendation: Arizona offers a one-year Emergency Teacher Certification that is a waiver from full State certification. The license is renewable if the teacher completes six semester hours of coursework in the specialty area during the one-year validity of the certification.

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    • [DOCX File]15-1655; Arizona teachers academy; tuition and fees ...

      INITIAL TEACHER CERTIFICATION (ITC) POST BACCALAUREATE PROGRAM. Teaching Certification – Secondary/Physical Education K-12. For requirements and application materials for the ITC/POST-BACCALAUREATE Program go to the College …

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    • [DOC File]Arizona - Revised Highly Qualified Teachers State Plan (MS ...

      May 21, 2018 · The Board shall issue a comparable Arizona certificate, if one has been established by R7-2-608, R7-2-609, R7-2-610, R7-2-611, R7-2-612, or R7-2-613, and shall waive the requirements for passing the comparable professional knowledge, subject knowledge, and performance portions of the Arizona Teacher Proficiency Assessment, to an applicant who ...

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    • [DOC File]2005 Arizona Monitoring Report: Highly Qualified Teachers ...

      Please be aware that Arizona state teacher certification requirements leading to Institutional Recommendations may change at any time and may impact program of study requirements. This Program of Study documents your progress on your academic requirements for the degree and catalog year listed above.

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    • [DOCX File]Arizona

      Arizona’s rules and statutes governing charter schools do not require charter school teachers to hold state certification, nor is there a requirement designating a minimum level of educational attainment, as a requirement for employment as a teacher in an Arizona charter school.

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    • Become a Teacher in Arizona - Certification Map

      TEACHER CERTIFICATION REQUIREMENTS CAREER PREPARATION: The instructor must be CTE certified according to the following CERTIFICATES Types: PCTA, SCTA, SSCTEA Note: Plant Systems 01.0100.70 may be a part of the sequence and the teacher must hold a Cooperative Education Endorsement (CEN). Teacher/Coordinator 01.0100.75 is not required to have a Cooperative …

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      TEACHER CERTIFICATION REQUIREMENTS CAREER PREPARATION: The instructor must be CTE certified according to the following CERTIFICATES Types: PCTA, SCTA, SSCTEA Note: Animal Systems 01.0100.70 may be a part of the sequence and the teacher must hold a Cooperative Education Endorsement (CEN). Teacher/Coordinator 01.0100.75 is not required to have a Cooperative …

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      Except as noted, all certificates are subject to the general certification provisions in R7-2-607. B. Substitute Certificate -- PreK-12. 1. The certificate is valid for six years and renewable by reapplication. 2. The certificate entitles the holder to substitute in the temporary absence of a regular contract teacher.

      arizona teaching certificate requirements

    • [DOCX File]Northern Arizona University | Online, Bachelor’s, Graduate ...

      The Arizona board of regents, in consultation with eligible postsecondary institutions, shall develop and implement centralized administrative processes for the academy, including: 1. A marketing and promotion plan to recruit students for the academy. 2. Data collection and reporting. 3. Tracking postgraduation service requirements. 4.

      arizona teaching certificate

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