Army regulation 715 1


      SECTION 1 – SOPS. This file contains the current SOPS for: ARMY Regulation 715-XX. ACC USAR Center SOP. INTERNAL (specific to the Billing Official’s managing account) COMMAND (if the Command issues an SOP, it must be in the folder) NOTE: an Internal or Command SOP can be stricter in its requirements than the ARMY or MICC USAR Center SOPs

      ar 715 government purchase card

    • [DOC File]Department of Defense

      1. References. a. National Guard Bureau Technician Personnel Regulation (TPR) 303, Military Technician Compatibility, 25 August 2005, supersedes NGR 600-25/ANGI 36-102. b. National Guard Bureau Technician Personnel Regulation (TPR) 715, Voluntary and Non-Disciplinary Actions, 13 July 2007.

      gpc regulation ar 715


      AR-715-1, Government Purchase Card Program, revised 21 April 2006. Army Reserve Contracting Center (ARCC), Fort Dix, NJ, GPC SOP dated February 2007. 99th Regional Readiness Command Pamphlet 715-1, GPC Policies and Procedures dated 30 June 2005. AR-RTD, Government Purchase Card Standard Operating Procedures, dated 30 April 2007. 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS

      ar 715 1 pdf

    • [DOCX File]Chapter 17 - Supply Discrepancy Reporting

      C17. Army Ammunition Storage Activity Shipments. Services ammunition users are advised to send SDRs to B14 for ammunition commodity discrepancies. These SDRs will be further routed by the Army to Army ammunition storage depots that manage Army, Service common, and Service unique ammunition stock. C17.

      ar 715 1 30 dec 16

    • [DOC File]Army Food Program (AFP) FAA

      The Army in Joint Operations: The Army’s future Force Capstone Concept 2015-2024. TRADOC Pam 525-3-1. The U.S. Army Operating Concept for Operational Maneuver 2015-2024. TRADOC Pam 525-3-2. The U.S. Army Concept for Tactical Maneuver 2015-2024. TRADOC Pam 525-3-3. The U.S. Army Functional Concept for Battle Command 2015-2024. TRADOC Pam 525-4-1

      ar 715

    • General Services Administration

      The contractor shall perform this TDY in accordance with Army Regulation 715-9, Contractors Accompanying the Force. Additionally, the Government may require TDY to Korea. The contractor shall perform this travel in accordance with the policies and procedures stated in United States Forces Korea (USFK) Regulation 700-19.

      ar 715 1 afars


      Use JCC-I/A Form 715-1 of this Appendix, Request for Approval of Unauthorized Commitment, to seek ratification of an unauthorized commitment. 4. The Unit/Activity, upon learning of an unauthorized commitment, will notify the supporting Contracting Office. The Contracting Office will forward JCC-I/A Form 715-1 to the Unit/Activity for completion. A.

      army regulation 715 30

    • [DOCX File]United States Army

      The Army span of control is 300 accounts (both CH and BO/ABO) to 1 Level 4 A/OPC providing that the number of accounts and complexity of the administration, and monitoring and oversight of the GPC program is producing a successful program as a whole.

      acc regulation 715 1

    • [DOC File]PAM 715-9

      f. Secure Environment Contracting (SEC). (FORSCOM Reg 715-2, 15 Jun 90) (1) The SEC applies only to installations having active SEC contracts (i.e., Forts Bragg, Hood, Lewis, and the Army Atlanta Contracting Center (AACC)). (2) Does the DOC maintain a list of installation contracting personnel and legal advisors cleared to work on SEC actions?

      ar 715 government purchase card

    • [DOCX File]TRADOC Regulation 5-xx - United States Army

      ATXX-XX (715) DDMMMYYYY. MEMORANDUM THRU TRADOC AMOD. FOR TRADOC DCS, G-8. SUBJECT: Request to Exercise Option Year (OY) X of Contract W911S0-XX-C-XXXX (AMO XX-XXXX) 1. In accordance with TRADOC Regulation 5-14, request TRADOC DCS, G-8 approval to exercise OYX of contract number W911S0-XX-C-XXXX.

      gpc regulation ar 715

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