Articles about computer science

    • [PDF File]Online Dating: A Critical Analysis From the

      article employs psychological science to examine (a) whether online dating is fundamentally different from conventional offline dating and (b) whether online dating promotes better romantic outcomes than conventional offline dating. The answer to the first question (uniqueness) is yes, and the answer

    • [PDF File]The Effect of Science, Technology, Engineering and ...

      Science Teaching Attitude 0.997 Large Batdi (2015) Computer Based Instruction Academic achievement 1.130 Very Large Dincer (2015) Computer Aided Instruction Academic achievement 1.210 Very Large Kablan, Topan & Erkan (2013) Use of Classroom Technological …

    • SoMeSci—A 5 Star Open Data Gold Standard Knowledge …

      Software Mentions in Science—a gold standard knowledge graph of software mentions in scientific articles. It contains high quality annotations (IRR: =.82) of 3756 software mentions in 1367 PubMed Central articles. Besides the plain mention of the software, we also provide relation labels for additional information, such as the ver-

    • [PDF File]The History of Computing in the History of Technology

      English-speaking wo rld ref ers t o as "computer science" is known to the rest of western Europe as informatique (or Informatikor informatica). Much of the concern over information as a commodity and as a natural resource derives from the computer and from computer-based com mu ni cati ons te ch nolo gy. 1 Hence, the history of the computer and of

    • [PDF File]Developing a Winning Research Statement

      Future Research o What are your short-term research goals (2-5 years)? o Discuss 2-3 feasible research ideas that interest you. o Explain how your goals build on (but are not necessarily direct extensions of) your recent work.

    • [PDF File]How to Be a Successful PhD Student (in Computer Science ...

      How to Be a Successful PhD Student (in Computer Science (in NLP/ML)) Mark Dredze (Johns Hopkins University) Hanna M. Wallach (University of Massachusetts Amherst) Version 1.0, March 20, 2012 Being a graduate student can be extremely rewarding and a lot of fun, but it’s also hard work. Like anything in life, there are ways to succeed and ways ...

    • [PDF File]1:1 Technology and its Effect on Student Academic ...

      Top Executive Summary, 2009, p. 1) is the rigorous preparation of students in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). In 2010 the President’s ouncil of Advisors on Science and Technology issued a report to the president. This report indicated that there is the need for urgency

    • [PDF File]Academic Careers: Research Statements

      Future Research o What are your short-term research goals (2-5 years)? o Discuss 2-3 feasible research ideas that interest you. o Explain how your goals build on (but are not necessarily direct extensions of) your recent work.

    • [PDF File]Elements of Style for Writing Scientic Journal Articles

      Communication of science is not about conveying belief. Rather, it is about logically developing lines of evidence that lead one to a hypothesis, ... Write: "The ocean model simulation required 1200 hours using 100 computer processors." What is "quickly" and "cheaply"? Elements of Style for Writing Scientific Journal Articles 8.

    • [PDF File]Google Effects on Memory: Cognitive Consequences of Having ...

      we are primed to turn to the computer to rectify the situation. Computer terms also interfered somewhat more with color naming ( M =603ms, SD = 193 ms) than general terms (M = 559 ms, SD = 182 ms) after easy questions, t (68) = 2.98, P < 0.005, suggesting that the computer may be primed when the concept of knowl-edge in general is activated.

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