August health awareness month

    • [PDF File]August is National Immunization Awareness Month. This ...

      August is National Immunization Awareness Month. This annual health observance is a great opportunity to educate seniors and other people with Medicare about the importance of disease control and prevention through immunization. Vaccine-preventable disease levels are at or near record lows. Yet,

      august awareness month observances

    • [PDF File]2020 Prevent Blindness Eye Health and Safety Observances

      2020 Prevent Blindness . Eye Health and Safety Observances . Month Monthly Awareness/Observance January National Glaucoma Awareness Month —January 1 - 31 . More than 2.8 million Americans age 40 and older have glaucoma.

      august is national what month

    • [PDF File]2020 Vision Health Observances Calendar

      August 15 NATIONAL RELAXATION DAY If your eyes have been working overtime, it might be time to give them a digital break. August Children’s Eye Health and Safety Month National Eye Exam Month August 29 NATIONAL LEMON JUICE DAY Citrus fruits have antioxidants that “Few things are hidden protect eye health.1 from a quiet child with

      what awareness is in august

    • [PDF File]Health Month Themes for a Year of Wellness!

      Health Month Themes for a Year of Wellness! January n New Year’s Resolutions! Nutrition & Fitness Challenge n 3rd week in January for Healthy Weight Week February n American Heart Month March n National Nutrition Month n National Sleep Awareness Month April n 1st week in April: Walk to Work Day n 2nd week in April: National Public Health Week

      august health and wellness topics

    • [PDF File]2019-2020 National Educational and Health Awareness Dates ...

      2019-2020 National Educational and Health Awareness Dates OCT.19 ADHD Awareness Month Bullying Prevention Month Communicate with Your Kids Month Computer Learning Month Crime Prevention Month Domestic Violence Awareness Month Dyslexia Awareness Month Health Literacy Month LGBT History Month National Book Month National Depression and Mental ...

      august is wellness month

    • [PDF File]JANUARY 2020

      National Scleroderma Awareness Month United Scleroderma Foundation, Inc. Men’s Health Month Migraine and Headache Awareness Month National Headache Foundation June 5 (same date annually) World Environment Day United Nations Environment June 6 (first ...

      august health and wellness

    • [PDF File]2020 National Observances - Health Net

      2020 National Observances Monthly Daily January Cervical Health Awareness Month National Birth Defects Prevention Month February American Heart Month National Cancer Prevention Month National Children’s Dental Health Month 7 National Wear Red Day 9–15 National Cardiac Rehabilitation Week March National Kidney Month National Nutrition Month

      august awareness month topics

    • [PDF File]Health Awareness Days 2020

      Cell Donation and Leukaemia Awareness Month(15 August to 15 October) Eye Care Awareness Month (23 September to 18 October) Breast Cancer Awareness Month / Mental Health Awareness Month 1 International Day of Older Persons 7-11 Back Care Awareness Week 9-19 National Nutrition Week 9-19 National Obesity Week 10 World Mental Health Day

      what awareness is each month

    • [PDF File]2019 Health Awareness Calendar

      Bone Marrow Stem Cell Donation and Leukaemia Awareness Month (15 August to 15 October) Eye Care Awareness Month (23 September to 18 October) Breast Cancer Awareness Month Mental Health Awareness Month 1 International Day of Older Persons 2-4 Rotary Family Health Day Outreach Campaign 7-11 Back Care Awareness Week 8-12 School Health Week

      august awareness month observances

    • [PDF File]2020 Health Observances & Recognition Days

      Alzheimer’s and Brain Awareness Month Cataract Awareness Month Hernia Awareness Month Men’s Health Month National Migraine and Headache Awareness Month PTSD Awareness Month Week-long Observance 15–21 National Men’s Health Week 18–25 National Nursing Assistants Week Recognition Days / Events 7 National Cancer Survivors Day

      august is national what month

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