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    • [DOC File]Food Fights - TSLAC

      Platform: PC. The world’s first DVD board game, Scene It! Includes song, movie, and picture clips to test your knowledge movies, TV, famous people, and more. Players answer questions and move their game piece around the board to win. This game is for 2 or more players.

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    • [DOC File]Game Design Notes 1: Introduction

      PC's. Apple. PC (not a gaming system originally but games where created) Commodore 64 (1983) ATARI ST (1985) … Special 3D graphics hardware ( only since about 1995) A problem is that all games start looking similar (because that is what the hardware supports) CD-ROM and DVD. New trend: Mobile gaming. Game Boy. recent Nokia N-Gage. mobile phones

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      After an equation was discussed, the teacher had the computer graph it, and then showed how to read off the places where it crossed the x-axis. The teacher also suggested that a problem such as the second one might better be handled by graphing the following two functions, and seeing where they intersect. y = 4sin(x) y = 2x3 - 5x +12.8

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    • [DOCX File]Unit 1

      This technology also allowed Proximity or "Z" axis measurement. The first home computer graphics tablet was the KoalaPad. Though originally designed for the Apple II, the Koala eventually broadened its applicability to practically all home computers with graphics support, examples of which include the TRS-80 Color Computer, Commodore 64, and ...

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    • [DOC File]Human-Centered Systems: Information, Interactivity,

      In terms of I/O device connectivity, currently the PC-clone is the universal I/O adapter because of its open architecture and the availability of cheap mail-order I/O devices, but a stack of PC's each doing one filtering task, trying to communicate with one another on serial lines is not directly adaptable to the ECI need set.

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    • [DOC File]101 Dalmatians (c) Disney 1 DEC ZAB 1000

      3D On The PC 1 USL CAD 1026. 3D Railroad Concept And Design 1 USL CAD 1027 ... Axis & Allies (WWII Strategy Game) 1 IGR STP 1236. B Hunter 1 IGR 3DA 1237 19991106. Babe 3: My Brother the Pig 2 FIL FKO 1239 19991021. Babe and Friends Preschool Adventure (Ages 3-5) 1 DEC DEP 1240. Babylon 5 1 IGR ARK 1241 ...

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