Back head and chest pain

    • [DOC File]CHIEF COMPLAINT: Left shoulder pain

      duodenum T-8 extra Spleen, low mid back T-9 18 liver Adrenal Glands T-10 19 gallbladder Kidneys T-11 20 spleen Ureters T-12 21 stomach Small Intestine, upper-low back L-1 22 triple burner Iliocecal valve, large intestine L-2 23 kidney Appendix, abdomen, upper leg L-3 24 sea of qi Sex organs, uterus, bladder knees L-4 25 large intestine Prostate ...

      chest and back pain in women


      The patient has sharp pain in the lower part of the back of the head that extends down the neck and into both upper arms. Patient has swelling at the left olecranon with acute pain extending distally to the dorsum. Patient has swelling behind the elbow with intense pain extending away from the joint to the back …

      pain in upper back and chest

    • What causes pain in the back of the head?

      Etiology of Pain ( Suspected Fracture (Abd pain (Back Pain (Other_____ Area involved (Upper ext (Lower ext (Chest (Back (Head (Neck (Other_____ Trauma involved (Yes ( No Was Pain Severity documented? (Yes (No -Pain scale used ( 1-10 ( Mild, Mod, Severe Initial Pain Rating

      chest pain and head pressure

    • [DOC File]Comprehensive: Nursing Home, shoulder pain, back and hip ...

      For head pain the placement is across the back of the scalp, and for angina pain the leads are placed at the level of the upper thoracic spine. Electrical stimulation through the leads is then given and if the coverage area is adequate, the needles are removed, the …

      chest and middle back pain

    • [DOC File]Trauma Resuscitation Record

      Pain and limited range of motion in R shoulder for 8 or 9 years. States has both sharp and aching pain in R shoulder when using arm. Onset was gradual, not related to fall. Pain occurs when she uses arm, especially when using walker to walk in physical therapy or when trying to raise arm over head.

      shoulder back and chest pain

    • [DOC File]History and Physical Exam Form

      Moving down to the anterior vertebral muscles, make a note; their action is to flex the cervical spine, bringing the chin to chest, and to control head position. Let's turn now to page 398 in the textbook or page 29 of the study guide, where you see the two documented trigger points of the digastric.

      chest pain and back tightness


      Head--- Chest--- Abdomen ... Back--- Extremities--- Age . 65 year old. Weight. 126 kg (280 lbs.) DISPATCH INFORMATION (Specific script for each scenario; Must be read over radio, telephone or in such a way that the candidate cannot look at the Examiner as he/she reads the dispatch information) ... Medic 4 respond to 123 Any Street for a male ...

      back pain chest pain fatigue

    • [DOC File]Home | University of Pittsburgh

      5 Localizes pain. 4 Withdraws from pain. 3 Flexor posturing. 2 Extensor posturing. 1 None/chemically paralyzed MR# Time: Secondary Survey Surface Trauma. Head Pain/tenderness. Drainage from: ears nose mouth Neck Pain/tenderness. JVD Chest Pain/tenderness Dyspnea . Deformity Paradoxical expansion Abdomen

      chest pain and back pain

    • [DOCX File]Anatomy Language Practice (ANSWERS)

      The patient denies any chest pain, palpitations, shortness of breath or abdominal pain. PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: VITAL SIGNS: Blood pressure 110/85, pulse 65, respiratory rate 60, O2 saturation 94% on room air, pain 5-6 on a scale of 10 in regards to his left anterior shoulder and weight 194.5 pounds.

      chest and back pain in women

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