Base excess and dehydration

    • [DOC File]Fluid and Electrolyte Therapy in Children

      III. Dehydration. Factors producing dehydration: Dehydration or contraction of the body fluid compartments will occur whenever the loss of water and salt exceeds the intake. Fever, sweating and diarrhea produce losses in excess of normal, but if intake remains good, patients will often be able to compensate for the increased losses.


      Dehydration (synthesis) is when water is removed from adjacent atoms (of molecules) to form a bond between them. Hydrolysis (degradation) is when water is used to break bonds between molecules. Water is an excellent temperature buffer. absorbs and releases heat very slowly. d.Water provides an excellent cooling mechanism.

    • [DOC File]Fluid & Electrolyte

      Fluid, electrolyte, and acid-base balances are necessary to maintain health and function in all body systems. ... normal for serum (different for urine) is 275 – 295, if less is hypoosmolar or dilute (result of excess water intake or fluid overload caused by an inability to excrete excess water, if more is hyperosmolar or concentrated (caused ...

    • [DOC File]Chapter 27: Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Homeostasis

      Define acid-base imbalances, their effects on the body, and the methods the body normally employs to compensate for excesses in acid and base. ... dehydration - water loss is greater than water gain. Mechanisms of body water gain (Fig 27.2) ... (HCO3-) can act as a weak base. holds excess H+. carbonic acid (H2CO3) can act as weak acid ...

    • [DOC File]Effect of Hydration Status on Heart Rate-Based Estimates ...

      Dehydration causes an increase in heart rate, both at rest and during exercise. Resting heart rate increased by 5% in subjects who were dehydrated by 4% of their body weight (5). During exercise at 65% of VO2max, dehydration by 0.9% caused an elevation of heart rate by 10 ( 2 beats/min while 2.8% dehydration caused an elevation by 18(2 beats ...

    • [DOC File]Disorders of electrolytes and water and acid–base balances

      Metabolic alkalosis is an acid–base imbalance where the pH is greater than 7.45 and the bicarbonate level is greater than 26 mEq/L. There is an excess of base in the body and a loss of acid. Basically, pH is increased due to bicarbonate increase. _ Metabolic means the “kidneys”, which involve bicarbonate and H+.

    • [DOC File]Chapter 26: Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid Base Balance

      6. Dehydration acidosis, amplified by vomiting and diarrhea. Table 26.2 Causes and Consequences of Acid/Base imbalances. In the elderly, the speed of readjustment declines due to diseases such as diabetes and heart failure. Read: A Closer Look “Sleuthing: using Blood values to determine the cause of Acidosis or Alkalosis”

    • [DOC File]Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Homeostasis

      dehydration - Water loss exceeds water intake over a period of a time resulting in a negative fluid balance. Causes: hemorrhage, prolonged vomiting/diaherra, profuse sweating. hypotonic hydration (water intoxication) - cellular overhydration - excess water present in the ECF results in net osmosis of water into cells

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