Basic computer parts pictures


      Computer studies Dr. Onunga and Renu Shah Page 1-2. 2-3. PHYSICAL PARTS OF A COMPUTER. By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to. State and explain various physical parts of a computer. Through question and answer list parts of a Computer. Through brainstorming, explain various parts of a computer. A working personal computer

      basic computer parts and functions


      1. Label computer parts in the classroom. 2. Teacher uses the appropriate terms for monitor, printer, disks and mouse when communicating about technology. 3. Using pictures of the various parts of a computer (e.g. disk drive, CPU, monitor, keyboard, mouse, etc) and word cards, students match the words with the pictures and tell what each part does.

      computer parts names and pictures

    • [DOC File]Answers to Chapters 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 - End of Chapter ...

      This means that the computer (CPU) will seem faster to the user with more RAM to keep more data and instructions close at hand for the CPU. Hardware D 19 Yes. Thumb Drives (a.k.a. USB keys) offer more storage and quicker data access in a smaller, more convenient package. Most PC makers have stopped including diskette drives as standard PC ...

      computer parts pictures and description

    • [DOCX File]Computer Basics -

      Computer Basics Worksheet Assignment 2. Career Prep A. The two things that make a computer work are hardware and software. One is no good without the other; working together they perform the information processing cycle of a computer. Hardware is anything you can physically touch. To help you, we will complete worksheets, some on your own and ...

      pictures of computer parts printable

    • [DOC File]Colorado Virtual Library

      Basic . Computer Skills Turn on & shut down the computer Turn the monitor on and off Know basic parts of the computer: monitor, CPU, mouse, keyboard, CD drive, USB port, printer Use the mouse: left-click, right-click, drag and drop Know how to use the keyboard ... Digital Camera and Images Taking digital pictures Connecting camera and ...

      computer parts pictures for kids

    • [DOC File]Computer Basics

      Aug 19, 2013 · The motherboard holds the CPU and physically connects all the other main parts of the computer. Cases and chassis house the motherboard and the CPU. Part 4: This type of device is known as a(n)_____ devise. (Section 1) A devise that receives information from the processor in the form of words, sounds or pictures.

      parts of a computer


      Therefore, we will confine the following discussion to personal computers (PCs). However, most of the discussion, especially as relating to basic computer operations, is easily transferable to other computer types. Hardware. The term hardware refers to the tangible parts of a computer system, that is, the physical equipment of the computer.

      different parts of computer


      Cut, Copy and Paste are basic computer skills. These commands have been part of computers since 1984, long before there was Windows. Each and every program, including Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook, uses these functions. Copy and Paste on the same document. Start. the . program. Microsoft . Word. Insert. a . picture. from . ClipArt

      basic computer parts list

    • [DOC File]Teacher Name

      Teacher spells each of the basic parts of computer and the pupils follow the teacher. Step 4: Teacher shows the basic parts of computer through the CD-ROM. Pupil’s Activity (10 min) Teacher gives out the classwork sheet and explains to the pupils on how to do it. BASIC PARTS OF COMPUTER. Match. the correct answers and . color. the pictures ...

      basic computer parts and functions

    • [DOCX File]

      Basic computer parts. Computer vocab. Mouse skills. Learning desktop icons. Using Paint program. Computer vocab-Microsoft Word: adding pictures-Word practice: Christmas card-Paint program-Review desktop icons-Internet safety-Computer vocab-Microsoft …

      computer parts names and pictures

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