Best drinks for pregnancy

    • [DOC File]Drug, Alcohol, and Tobacco Use During Pregnancy

      Cutting down or stopping smoking during pregnancy reduces the risks. The risks are about the same for women who stop early in pregnancy as for the women who are nonsmokers. What about caffeine? Coffee, tea, chocolate, some soft drinks, and some medications contain caffeine. Drinking caffeine during pregnancy is generally safe.

      healthy drinks for pregnant women

    • [DOCX File]Information you might not know about pregnancy and alcohol

      Pregnancy is an exciting time, a time when many women want to know what they can do to ensure that they stay healthy and give their baby the best start in life. One thing that is important in keeping you and your baby healthy is to avoid drinking alcohol while pregnant, planning pregnancy or breastfeeding.

      what can pregnant women drink

    • [DOC File]PC\|MAC

      2 Mary drinks diet drinks during her pregnancy so she will not gain more than 15 pounds. 3 Jennifer purchased a pair of flat shoes one size larger than her usual shoe size 4 Pamela likes to try new sports, but she decided to postpone horseback riding until after her baby was born

      drinks pregnant women can have

    • [DOC File]Pregnant, Substance-Using Women, Treatment Improvement ...

      The T-ACE is a screening instrument designed specifically for the identification of pregnancy risk drinking, which refers to the consumption of enough alcohol to potentially harm the fetus. This is seven drinks per week according to the most recent definition.

      safe drinks during pregnancy


      How many drinks of alcohol do you have per week? Are there times when you drink more than that? Do you or your partner use recreational drugs? Do you or your partner have a problem with alcohol or drugs? Consider CAGE (C. ut down, A. nnoyed, G. uilty, E. ye opener) ( Low ( Some ( High FAMILY VIOLENCE Woman or partner experienced or witnessed abuse

      warm drinks for pregnant women

    • [DOC File]Awareness of the Effects of Alcohol Use During Pregnancy ...

      Alcohol and Pregnancy. Questionnaire. Introduction. Good morning/afternoon/evening, my name is _____ and I am calling from The Survey Research Centre at The University of WA. We are conducting a survey on behalf of the Institute for Child Health Research about some important health issues.

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    • Your Quick Guide to Pregnancy

      It is common not to feel your best in the first few weeks of your pregnancy. Many women have what is called morning sickness, which can include nausea and vomiting. ... Limit sweets, fatty foods, soda, juice and juice drinks. Limite o consumo de doces, alimentos gordurosos, refrigerantes, sucos e bebidas à …

      what to drink while pregnant

    • Your Quick Guide to Pregnancy

      In the last 6 months of pregnancy, most women need an extra 300 calories per day. Ask your WIC nutritionist for tips on what foods you can add to your diet to get the calories and nutrients you need to gain the right amount of weight for you and your baby.

      best drinks during pregnancy

    • [DOCX File]Routine Prenatal Care:

      – Constipation or pregnancy itself can lead to hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids are enlarged veins at the rectal opening. Most often burning, itching, and irritation occur with hemorrhoids. The best treatment for hemorrhoids is to keep bowel movements soft and regular. (Please try the suggestions described above for constipation.) Avoid straining.

      healthy drinks for pregnant women

    • [DOC File]A 34-year-old woman comes to the clinic because of left ...

      A 28-year-old gravida 3, para 2 woman comes to the clinic for prenatal care at 11-weeks gestation. Her medical and surgical history are unremarkable, although she relates a social history significant for alcohol consumption. She drinks 1-2 glasses of wine with lunch and 3 …

      what can pregnant women drink

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