Best stock funds for retirement

    • [PDF File]Managing Your Money in Retirement

      The other is retirement savings, which may be in the form of bank savings accounts or investments. The investments may be in a retirement account such as a 401(k) or IRA, in a regular brokerage account, or in real estate. Or they may simply be mutual funds or stocks and bonds that you’ve bought directly.

    • [PDF File]Retirement Investments - Money Smart CBI

      An IRA, also known as an Individual Retirement Account, is the most basic kind of retirement arrangement. • With an IRA, you deposit money into an account, which may include a combination of stocks, bonds, mutual funds, or Treasury securities. • These types of accounts are tax exempt and generally designed to help ensure adequate

    • Vanguard Target Retirement Funds

      Retirement Funds covered in this report recorded returns ranging from 3.31% for the Targ et Retirement Income Fund to 8.51% for the Targ et Retirement 2035 Fund. (The funds with target dates of 2040 through 2065 are covered in a separate report.) The funds with a greater allocation to stocks performed best.

    • [PDF File]T. Rowe Price Retirement Funds

      The funds' allocations among a broad range of underlying T. Rowe Price stock and bond funds will change over time. The funds emphasize potential capital appreciation during the early phases of retirement asset accumulation, balance the need for appreciation with the need for income as retirement approaches, and focus on supporting

    • [PDF File]Your Guide to Investing in the 2019 UNC System Retirement ...

      STOCK OR “EQUITY” FUNDS Stock funds purchase ownership, called “equity,” in a variety of companies. They seek to make money by sharing in the different companies’ profits (in the form of cash dividends) or through capital appreciation (increase in stock prices). Stock portfolios can be U.S. funds (investing in stocks of

    • [PDF File]T. Rowe Price Retirement 2015 Fund - VALIC

      T. Rowe Price Retirement 2015 Fund A fund managed based on a specific retirement year that seeks capital growth and income through investments in a combination of T. Rowe Price stock and bond funds. Before you invest, you may want to review the fund’s prospectus, which contains more information about the fund and its risks.

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