Better word for very similar

    • [PDF File]Better Word Representations with Recursive Neural Networks ...

      Better Word Representations with Recursive Neural Networks for Morphology ... Abstract Vector-space word representations have been very successful in recent years at im-proving performance across a variety of NLP tasks. However, common to most existing work, words are regarded as in- ... is similar to (Socher et al., 2011b),

      better words for very good


      WORD USAGE IN SCIENTIFIC WRITING This listing includes some of the most frequently troublesome words, terms, and expressions ... compare to means to represent as similar. One may conclude that the music of Brahms compares ... Partly is the better, simpler, and more precise word when partly is meant.

      better word for very much

    • [PDF File]Thesaurus - The Writing Center

      similar words. Words that have similar meanings are called synonyms. ... One of the words –extant –is a very infrequent word, and has a limited meaning that probably isnisn t’t relevant to you unless youyou re’re studying old texts. ... you want to add the idea of importance, then urgent is the better word. 6.

      similar words for like

    • [PDF File]Synonyms for Words Commonly used in Resumes

      Synonyms for Words Commonly used in Resumes ability aptitude capability adopt use utilize employ apply mobilize exert restore revive specialize in assist dispatch expedite ... better top progress advance effective forceful potent valid strong vigorous productive influential dynamic emphasis stress ...

      what is another word for similar

    • [PDF File]Improving Distributional Similarity with Lessons Learned ...

      Improving Distributional Similarity with Lessons Learned from Word Embeddings Omer Levy Yoav Goldberg Ido Dagan ... fact very similar to those employed by the more traditional methods. What, then, is the source of superiority (or per- ... putational efficiency and, arguably, better gener-alization. Such vectors can be obtained by per-

      what is another word for very

    • [PDF File]BREAK. IT. DOWN. .com

      This unit is very similar to 5CHR, although 5HRF looks more at the HR function ... ‘department’ for want of a better word. This will vary in size and shape from organisation to organisation; for example, a small group of GP practices will likely ... They were very ‘functional’ departments. Now think about how HR is nowadays (or at least ...

      another words for similar

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