Bipolar coping tips

    • What coping strategies do people with bipolar disorder use?

      Many people with bipolar disorder tend to use only one coping strategy. For example, they hide their worries and avoid dealing with problems. This may work in some cases, but not in others. Where possible, try different strategies. Deal with some problems as they happen. Avoiding them allows stress to build up.

    • How do I help a child with bipolar disorder?

      Bipolar disorder needs to be explained as an illness, just like having chicken pox or a bad cold. Reassure the child that the adults in the family and other people, such as doctors, are trying to help the person who has bipolar disorder. Looking after the person is an adult responsibility, and not something the child should worry about.

    • What is a psychosocial treatment for bipolar disorder?

      Psychosocial treatments include psychoeducation, psychotherapy, support groups and rehabilitation. Psychoeducation is a process through which people learn about bipolar disorder, and also have an opportunity to talk about their feelings related to living and coping with the disorder.

    • Do you need a mood stabilizer for bipolar disorder?

      People with bipolar disorder often require more than one medica- tion. The treatment of other chronic medical conditions such as diabetes or epilepsy often requires a combination of medications. Mood stabilizers are medicines that help reduce mood swings. They also help prevent manic and depressive episodes.

    • [PDF File]Bipolar disorder An information guide - The Centre for ...

      1 Why is bipolar disorder called an “illness”? How common is bipolar disorder? When does bipolar disorder begin? 2 The clinical features of bipolar disorder 3 The episodes of bipolar disorder Types of bipolar disorder Order and frequency of the various states 3 The symptoms of bipolar disorder 5

    • Understanding Bipolar Disorder - MC5155-03 - Mayo Clinic

      • Bipolar disorder is treatable. • People with bipolar disorder have extreme mood swings. • It tends to run in families and it can be caused by stressful events. • It involves brain chemicals that regulate emotion. • Getting medical care can help you, your family and friends. Introduction 4 Mania Depression Bipolar disorder

    • [PDF File]Treatment of Bipolar Disorder: A Guide for Patients and Families

      There are 2 main types of mood disorders. In unipolar (1 pole) disorders, such as major depressive disorder, the mood changes all involve a lowering of mood. In bipolar (2 pole) disor- ders, at least some of the changes involve an excessive elevation in mood. All mood disorders are associated with changes in brain chemistry.

    • [PDF File]Bipolar Disorder - NIMH

      Bipolar disorder is a mental illness that can be chronic (persistent or constantly reoccurring) or episodic (occurring occasionally and at irregular intervals). People sometimes refer to bipolar disorder with the older terms “manic-depressive disorder” or “manic depression.”

    • [PDF File]Bipolar Disorder - NIMH

      Bipolar disorder is a chronic or episodic (which means occurring occasionally and at irregular intervals) mental disorder. It can cause unusual, often extreme and fluctuating changes in mood, energy, activity, and concentration or focus. Bipolar disorder sometimes is called manic-depressive disorder or manic depression, which are older terms.

    • [PDF File]Nine Strategies for Coping With Bipolar Disorder - NewLifeOutlook

      Nine Strategies for Coping With Bipolar Disorder by BETHANY HEINESH Coping With Bipolar Disorder – It Is Possible The definition of the word cope is to “deal effectively with something difficult.” There is no doubt that bipolarmeets the criteria for “something difficult.”

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