Blood circulation full notes

    • [PDF File]BLOOD - Athiyaman team

      Blood is salty in taste pH 7.30 - 7.40 Heavier than water (2.5 times) Blood volume in an adult 5 - 8 litres Blood volume in males 5 - 6 litres Blood volume in females 4 - 5 litres Components : Blood is made up of 2 main components Liquid Component - 55% Plasma Solid Component - 45% 1. Red Blood Corpuscles (RBC) 2. White Blood Corpuscles (WBC) 3 ...

    • [PDF File]Fetal Circulation - University of Utah

      Fetal Circulation: Key Topics!Placenta (blood contact with mother)!Fetal Hemoglobin (HbF )!Anatomic differences from adult!Congenital abnormalities. Adult Circulation! Heart! Lungs! Arteries ... full blood load during development! Some blood is shunted from right atrium to left atrium (foramen ovale) skipping the lungs! More than one-third of

    • [PDF File]Chapter 14 The Circulation of the Blood - Linn–Benton Community College

      –Blood circulation—refers to the flow of blood through all the vessels, which are arranged in a complete circuit or circular pattern –Systemic circulation •Carries blood throughout the body •Path goes from left ventricle through aorta, smaller arteries, arterioles, capillaries, venules, venae cavae, to right atrium 15 16 Circulation of Blood

    • [PDF File]Circulation/Transport capillaries

      – take blood away from heart to capillaries Human Anatomy & Physiology: Circulatory System, Ziser Lecture Notes, 2013.11 2 capillaries -actual site of exchange venules & veins – bring blood from capillaries back to heart B. Lymphatic System an open system that returns excess materials in the tissue spaces back to the blood fluid = lymph

    • [PDF File]A & P Chapter 13 Notes. Blood Vessels and Circulation – read pages 350 ...

      Five functions of the circulatory system 1. Carries blood 2. Exchanges nutrients, waste products, and gases with tissues 3. Transports substances 4. Helps regulate blood pressure 5. Directs blood flow to the tissues Three main types of blood vessels based on structure : arteries, veins, capillaries 1.


      Blood is the body’s internal transportation system. Pumped by the heart, blood travels through a network of blood vessels, carrying nutrients (O2, glucose) and hormones tothe cells and removing waste products (CO2. urea) fromthe 1012(= 100 trillion) cells of our bodies.. THE HEART 1. The central organ of the cardiovascular system is the heart.


      2.1 !: !Transport System in Human! General Structure of the Human Heart! • Human heart is located inside the thoracic cavity, behind the breastbone & between the left and right lung! • Cone-shaped and tilts slightly towards the left side of our body! • Has a mass of about 300g & is built of thick and strong cardiac muscles!

    • [PDF File]Blood Circulation: Its Dynamics and Physiological Control - EOLSS

      Blood is the connecting link between the outside environment and the internal environment of the cells in our body. To maintain homeostasis throughout the body (see Homeodynamics), blood must flow continuously with various velocities adapted to the actual needs of the cells. Circulation (called also cardiovascular or circulatory system) is

    • [PDF File]Physiology of Circulation - Los Angeles Mission College

      Blood pressure Blood pressure is the force blood exerts against the insides of blood vessels. 1. Arterial blood pressure: a. The arterial blood pressure is produced primarily by heart action and rises and falls with phases of the cardiac cycle. b. systolic pressure occurs when the ventricle contracts; © 2009 Ebneshahidi

    • [PDF File]Blood & Hematology

      Human Anatomy & Physiology: Blood & Hematology; Ziser Lecture Notes, 2005 1 Blood & Hematology The human body is made up mostly of water; ~60 - 65% (40 L) Body’s transport system plays key role in balancing fluids in the body’s compartments “river of life” Marieb strictly speaking, blood is not a “body fluid” like tears, mucous, or ...


      In just under thirty seconds, your blood moves (circulates) through your entire body. It reaches every one of your trillions of cells. Blood carries things to each cell that are needed. These things include oxygen and nutrients. In exchange, the blood picks up waste from the cells, including carbon dioxide, heat and excess water.

    • Ch. 21 Blood Vessels and Circulation | HCC Learning

      An Introduction to Blood Vessels and Circulation • Learning Outcomes • 21-3 Describe the control mechanisms that regulate blood flow and pressure in tissues, and explain how the activities of the cardiac, vasomotor, and respiratory centers are coordinated to control blood flow through the tissues. • 21-4 Explain the cardiovascular system’s

    • [PDF File]Circulation: Blood Vessels, Flow, and Regulation - UMD

      • Erythrocytes (95%), or red blood cells, direct oxygen transport • More dense than serum • Biconcave discoid shape • Platelets (4.9%) are involved in blood coagulation and hemostasis • Leukocytes (0.1%), or white blood cells, are the cellular participants in the immune response • Hematocrit: cell volume fraction (40% - 50%)


      The importance of blood circulation. •It transports food from the small intestine to all parts of the body. •Transports oxygen from the lungs to all cells of the body. •Transports carbondioxide from the body tissues to the lungs. •Wastes materials like urea to the kidney.

    • [PDF File]Blood: Physiology and Circulation

      Blood: physiology and circulation / edited by Kara Rogers. p. cm.—(The human body) “In association with Britannica Educational Publishing, Rosen Educational Services.” Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 978-1-61530-250-5 ( eBook) 1. Blood—Popular works. 2. Blood—Circulation—Popular works. I. Rogers, Kara. QP91.B6558 ...

    • [PDF File]Introduction to the Circulatory System - TeachEngineering

      them. During this process, the blood follows two routes, called the systemic circulation and the pulmonary circulation. From the left side of the heart, blood full of oxygen is pumped into the systemic circulation. This blood leaves the heart through the aorta, the main artery of the body. A number of major arteries

    • [PDF File]Overview of the Circulation; Biophysics of Pressure, Flow, and ... - TSMU

      The circulation, shown in Figure 14-1, is divided into the systemic circulation and the pulmonary circulation. Because the systemic circulation supplies blood flow to all the tissues of the body except the lungs, it is also called the greater circulation or peripheral circulation. Functional Parts of the Circulation. Before dis-

    • [PDF File]The fetal circulation - O&G Obstetricia y Ginecología

      Typically, the blood volume in the human fetus is 10 to12% of the body weight compared to 7 to 8% in adults(Brace, 1993). One of the reasons for this differenceis that the placenta contains a large pool of blood,a volume that is gradually reduced with the progressof gestation (Barcroft, 1946) (Figure 1). The calculatedblood volume of 90 to 105 m...

    • [PDF File]CIRCULATION OF BODY FLUIDS - National Institute of Open Schooling

      Notes Circulation of Body Fluids 3. Blood – the circulating fluid which is a connective tissues made of a fluid matrix and cells. 4. Lymphatic system comprised of lymph nodes and vessels. 1. The human heart It is a muscular or gan made of cardiac muscle fibres (Fig. 15.2). It is able to perform

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