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      Systolic blood pressure (SBP) ≥150 mmHg or . Diastolic blood pressure (DBP) ≥90 mmHg should be treated with meds. Goal should be SBP

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    • [DOC File]Attend an Event | Optometric Education Consultants

      The following areas meet this requirement at all times: Emergency Department, OR, PACU, Radiology, Cath lab, Endo. Over the counter medications with a low risk of adverse effects and with a low opportunity for pharmacist intervention (e.g., diaper cream, bisacodyl suppository, milk of magnesia, glycerin suppository, etc.) will be available in ...

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    • [DOC File]Emergency Procedures in the Dental Office

      Controlling blood pressure and blood sugars protect your___ Kidneys, eyes, heart I=Intrnl Wrkngs. Signs blood sugars may be too low. Shaky, sweaty, grouchy I=Intrnl Wrkngs. Over time, high blood sugar levels ___your blood vessels. Damage. I=Intrnl Wrkngs. Illness …

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      If the patient is truly asymptomatic THEN DO NOT LOWER THE PATIENT’S BLOOD PRESSURE IN THE ED. ... If the patient doesn’t have good PCP access or doesn’t have a PCP- can consider starting oral BP meds from the ED-Check a basic metabolic panel- need to know sodium, potassium and creatinine before starting oral BP meds.

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    • [DOCX File]ACU Admission Criteria

      SideEffects :Lethargy, tiredness, dry mouth, constipation, dizziness, decreased blood pressure. Pros: A non-stimulant medication that appears to have a good, positive effect on ADD and oppositional symptoms that lasts 24hours with reduced side effect profile, compared to the traditional treatments.

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    • [DOCX File]EM Basic | Your Boot Camp Guide to Emergency Medicine

      Teaching Plan for High Blood Pressure Management. New York City College of Technology. Mirielle Leconte. Vanessa Ismael. June 19, 2012. Introduction. Hypertension is defined as a medical condition in which the blood pressure in the arteries is elevated. This elevation makes the heart work harder than usual to circulate blood through the blood ...

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      Capsules can be opened and contents dispersed in water. Monitor blood pressure. RANITIDINE. C. B. Effervescent tablets available. RIFABUTIN. B. Contents of capsule can be emptied in small amount of water and flavoured. ... Administering medicines Through Enteral Feeding Tubes, 2nd ed. Medicines for Children, 2003. Guy’s and St Thomas ...

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      Sphygmomanometer: automated and manual, various sizes (blood pressure cuff) Stethoscope. Molt or McKesson mouth props (or taped stack of 8 to 10 wooden tongue depressors for use as a mouth prop) 13-gauge sterile needles (2) (to use in providing emergency airway at cricothyroid space) Adult-sized and child-sized oropharyngeal airways (1 each)

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    • [DOC File]Teaching Plan for High Blood Pressure Management

      Mar 08, 2019 · Rapidly lowering blood pressure in asymptomatic patients in the ED is unnecessary and may be harmful in some patients. 3. When ED treatment for asymptomatic hypertension is initiated, blood pressure management should attempt to gradually lower blood pressure and should not be expected to be normalized during the Initial ED visit.

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      Han has significant physical health conditions including blood pressure, Type 2 diabetes, and obesity. Han has a . strong connection with her . primary care nurse practitioner. but still over-utilizes the Ed (She has had 9 ED visits in the last two years, mostly regarding anxiety or her heart condition). Encounter List for February, 2014:

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