British anti tank ww2

    • What types of British tanks were used in WW2?

      The UK's infantry tanks were all designed to keep pace with the infantry. They were all well armoured and could take a lot of punishment, the three main designs was the Matilda, Valentine and Churchill. The Churchill tank proved to be one of the best British tanks to serve in World War Two and formed the basis of many specialist type vehicles.

    • What kind of guns were mounted on British tanks in WW2?

      Hull-mounted guns required that most of the vehicle be exposed to enemy fire. Multiple-turreted or multi-gun designs such as the Soviet T-35, American Medium Tank M3 (hull mounted and turret gun), French Char B1 (hull mounted howitzer) or British Cruiser Mk I (two ancillary machine gun turrets) slowly became less common during World War II.

    • What tanks did the British develop in the interwar period?

      The standard British tank of the inter-war years, the Vickers Medium Mark 2 was based on a design from not long after World War I. Its box-like hull was topped with a turret that carried a 3-pounder gun and coaxial Vickers machine gun. Two other Vickers machine guns could be thrust through firing ports in the sides of the hull.

    • [PDF File]Organization of the British Infantry Battalion 1938 to 1945

      A PDF 1stdraft uploaded 4thAugust 2018 2nddraft uploaded 2ndJune 2019 Amendments include; 1. Updates to Signal Platoon wireless and line equipment (1943 to 1945). 2. Clarification on 6-pdr Anti-tank gun ammunition allocation. 3. Added Annex D on the Assault Pioneer Platoon (1943 to 1945). 4.

    • [PDF File]Guards Armoured Division (1944-45) - British Military History

      Divisional Troops 2nd (Armoured Reconnaissance) Bn. Welsh Guards 2nd Household Cavalry Regiment (6) No. 268 Forward Delivery Squadron, Royal Armoured Corps 1st Independent Machine Gun Company, The Royal Northumberland Fusiliers

    • [PDF File]Northern France 9 July – 30 August 1944

      British armour to advance rapidly through the initial German defences in the Cuverville–Démouville area. It reached the embanked Caen–Vimont railway at around 0930 hours. The restricted space in the Orne bridgehead continued to cause traffic congestion and did more to slow the British advance than enemy resistance in those first few hours.

    • [PDF File]7 Armoured Division (1941-42) - British Military History

      This is the Order of Battle for the division on 15 May 1941. This was the date of the start of Operation Brevity, the operation to reach Tobruk The division was under command of Headquarters, British Troops in Egypt until 16 May 1941. On that date, it came under command of Headquarters, Western Desert Force (W.D.F.).

    • [PDF File]British Infantry Battalion War Establishment reference II/233/2

      Anti-tank Platoon (2 Officers, 53 men) - (six 6-pdr guns) Assault Pioneer Platoon) (1 Officer, 21 men) Four Rifle Companies, each 5 Officers, 12 2 men . Company Headquarters (2 Officers, 14 men) Three Platoons, each (1 Officer, 36 men) Total strength 845 all ranks (36 Officers and 809 men)


      ORDERS OF BATTLE OF BRITISH TANK FORCES, AND TANK TYPES AT KEY DATES IN THE WESTERN DESERT, 1940-42 Major Colin Robins Obe Ma FRHistS From the initial invasion of Egypt by the Italians in June 1940 to the successful conclusion of the Second Battle of El Alamein in October/November 1 942, the

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