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      Harvard College, the first institution of higher learning in America, was founded in 1636 primarily to provide for the churches a ministry with liberal education. But in the latter part of the eighteenth century the requirement of divinity subjects from all students in Harvard College …

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    • [DOC File]

      Prior to the seminal insights born out of the infamous Connecticut workshop that took place at the State Teachers College in 1946. Lewin was recruited to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) by professor-consultant and behavioural scientist, Douglas McGregor, where he founded the Research Centre for Group Dynamics (hereafter referred ...

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    • [DOC File]HCC

      Gill, Virginia Teas, Timothy Halkowski and Felicia Roberts (2001) ‘Accomplishing A Request Without Making One: A Single Case Analysis of A Primary Care Visit’ Text 21: 55-81 Gill, Virginia T., Douglas W. Maynard (1995) ‘On “labelling” in actual interaction: delivering and receiving diagnoses of developmental disabilities’, Social ...

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    • [DOC File]DBA Thesis - What really happens when buyers and sellers ...

      It is not a request that offers anything in return (except possibly gratitude), so there is no trade. An exception that comes to mind is observed within the film “The Godfather”, whereby the Godfather’s (Puzo, 1970, p.31) granting of a favour in response to an emotional appeal by …

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    • [DOCX File]Instructions for authors - University of Surrey

      Access to these recordings would be provided to participants on request. Up to 10 years following the conclusion of the study, all data (transcripts, audio) will be destroyed. The Data Protection Act (1998) was followed, in gathering, processing, storing and sharing data.

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    • [DOCX File]Abstract - Welcome to White Rose eTheses Online - White ...

      Indeed, Clark, Foster and Bryman (2019, p.279) commend this approach for being ‘particularly noteworthy in terms of its theoretical and methodological transparency’. According to this technique, phase 1 requires ‘familiarising yourself with your data’ (Braun and Clarke, 2006, p.87), in order to provide a strong foundation upon which to ...

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      If not for the aid of many others, the final destination of this journey would have been impossible. Listing the names of each would be impractical. Nevertheless, my efforts must

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    • [DOC File]However, the reliability of the data collected using ...

      Rogers (1995) gives an example of the mechanical tomato pickers, in California, to illustrate the misconceptions of such an ideology. When mechanical tomato pickers were introduced, they proved to be ideal for large commercial farmers. However, they drove the small-scale farmers out of business. Bali island communities had a different experience.

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    • [DOCX File]ABSTRACT - Welcome to White Rose eTheses Online - White ...

      The verbal request was followed up by a letter to each of the Principals (Appendix E). Creswell (2007, p. 125) cites Hammersley and Atkinson (1995) as stating that a “gatekeeper is the initial contact for the researcher and leads the researcher to other participants”.

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      Purposive sampling is the deliberate choosing of participants who possess the characteristics necessary to analyze the problem and to view the emerging theory (Lewis-Beck, Bryman, & Futing Liao ...

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