Budget analysis series 0560

    • [DOC File]Louisiana


      SECTION 1: All departments, institutions, boards, commissions, budget units, and agencies of the executive branch of state government, and the officers and employees thereof, (hereafter “agency”) shall observe, be guided by, and implement the specific directives on small purchase procedures set forth in …

      gs 560 series



      Through Resolution 11.1 the Secretariat has been requested to prepare a series of budget scenarios, including, as a minimum, a zero nominal growth budget scenario, a zero real growth budget scenario and in consultation with the Finance and Budget Sub-Committee, if necessary, a third scenario for consideration by COP12 Meeting.

      budget analyst position description opm

    • [DOC File]U.S. Department of Defense


      Position Series and Job Title Work Level Performance Objective Example 0560 . Budget Analyst. Full Performance Accomplish resource management support and budget analysis functions on a daily basis or as needed, for the G-3/5/7 staff, in order to keep the G-3/5/7 staff aware of execution that is in accordance with phased obligation plan.

      gs 0560 13



      The Budget Analysis Series, GS-0560, identifies paramount duties that are to perform budget formulation, presentation, and justification, and as well as execution of allocated funds when such work primarily requires knowledge and skill in the methods and techniques of budgeting.

      opm budget analyst series

    • [DOC File]DAMI-CP 15 October 1998


      command name title series grade forscom lawrie scroggins s security assistant 0086 06 forscom shaw james p jr security specialist (automation) 0080 12 forscom hebert joanne l security specialist (automation) 0080 12 forscom rivery susan c security specialist 0080 12 inscom cook jermell a budget analyst 0560 07 inscom baptiste peggy d ...

      budget analyst job description opm

    • [DOCX File]OAR 125-246 - Oregon


      (a) “Class Special Procurement” is defined in ORS 279B.085 and means a contracting procedure that differs from the procedures described in ORS 279B.055, 279B.060, 279B.065 and 279B.070 and is for the purpose of entering into a series of Contracts over time for the acquisition of a specified class of Supplies and Services.

      gs 0560 position description

    • [DOCX File]OAR 125-249 - Oregon


      Non-procurement provisions of ORS Chapter 279C and these division 49 rules may still be applicable to the resulting Contracts. See, for example, particular statutes on Disqualification (279C.440, 445, 450); Legal Actions (279C.460 and 465); Required Contract Conditions (279C.505, 515, 520, 530); Hours of Labor (279C.540, 545); Retainage (279C.550, 560 and 565); Subcontracts (279C.580); Action ...

      gs 0560

    • [DOC File]DAMI-CP 15 October 1998


      hammond, paige h usa natl gnd intel ctr computer assistant 0335 07 brock adam j mi bn aug computer specialist 0334 09 bowman cheryl a mi hqs europe ops s budget analyst 0560 11 bossard christine s hq usa intel sec cmd program analyst 0343 12 griffin bobbie a mi bde aug administrative officer 0341 12 hodnik, debra sue usa natl gnd intel ctr ...

      gs 9 budget analyst pd



      The GS-0560 series covers positions that perform, advise on, or supervise work in any of the phases of budget administration when such work requires knowledge and skill in applying budget- related laws, regulations, policies, precedents, methods, and techniques.

      gs 560 series

    • [DOC File]Publication Date:


      evaluation analysis center (eac) ... administration and program 0505 finanicial management 0510 accounting 0511 auditing 0512 internal revenue agent 0560 budget analysis 0599 financial management student trainee 0601 general health science 0602 medical officer 0610 nurse 0630 dietician and nutritionist 0631 occupational therapist 0633 physical ...

      budget analyst position description opm

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