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    • [DOT File]APPROVAL


      For strictly APA papers and journal articles, when the figures and figure captions appear in the sections after the main body text (as in this model), the above heading and list can be deleted, before updating the Table of Contents. Delete these instructions when no longer needed. This is “Heading 5” used for Title of paper

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    • [DOC File]Getting Started - UNB


      2. When you need to use a bullet list, select the correct style from the drop-down menu. 3. If you need to import a bullet list from another document, first select the Clear Formatting option from the drop-down menu (this removes all formatting) and then cut and paste it …

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      Bullet / Blob / Cannon ball . A symbol, e.g. large dot, square, asterisk, etc., which is used to emphasise key points in text. Bullets are often used to highlight lists within a block of text. (Return to contents page) C. Camera-ready-copy

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    • [DOC File]Graphic Communication: A-Z of DTP


      Bullet/blob/cannon ball . A symbol, for example large dot, square, asterisk, etc, that is used to emphasise key points in text. Bullets are often used to highlight lists within a block of text. C. CAD . Computer-aided draughting (design) software. Camera-ready-copy

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    • [DOC File]Forensic Science Unit


      Dot matrix printers have hammers that strike an inked ribbon that strikes the paper to create an image. The hammer creates a small dot on the paper and creates characters by grouping the dots together. As the printer is used the hammers will develop patterns unique to the printer.

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    • [DOC File]NETC 01-6


      When inserting a very small image, or resizing a larger image to be much smaller, Word 2007 assumes that the image is intended to be a bullet-point for a bulleted list. Once Word 2007 defines the image as a bullet, the option to add alternative text disappears. Select Undo, to redefine the bullet as an image.

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    • [DOCX File]What this Document Is


      Aug 17, 2020 · For example, try highlighting a heading in your paper and clicking Level 1 Subheading—it should automatically center and underline your text. A full discussion of Styles is beyond the scope of this paper, and knowledge of Styles is not essential to completion of your paper, but if you are curious, consult Microsoft Word’s documentation.

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