Business words and phrases

    • [DOC File]CONTENTS

      5. The Five Forbidden Phrases are: Rarely used in today’s business culture. Offensive because they are abusive, swear words. A list of common phrases that should be avoided when dealing with customers. 6. Which of the following is NOT a reason why “No” at the start of a sentence is considered a forbidden phrase: “No” is instant rejection.

      common words used in business


      Go through the document and highlight key words and phrases. Connect these key terms together in a few sentences. Suggested length: one short paragraph. 2. Idea Overview . The purpose of this section is to capture the key elements of your idea, highlighting the essence of what it does, how it works, and what makes it innovative.

      corporate words and phrases

    • [DOC File]Unbound and Leftbound Report Guidelines

      Omission of words, phrases, or sentences of the original text is permitted on the grounds of brevity and to exclude irrelevant data. Writers should use their own words most of the time . . . In other words, credit must be given to sources, whether they are quoted directly or …

      professional phrases for business

    • [DOC File]Business Writing Guide - University of Iowa

      In other words, do not use periods in the place of commas. Write I met them in Chicago on their way home from a European vacation. Instead of I met them in Chicago. Coming home from a vacation in Europe. Wordiness. Use of extra or “flowery” words is irrational and uneconomical in business writing.

      100 business words

    • [DOC File]Performance review phrases

      1.Performance review phrases for attitude. Positive phrases. Wendell has a way of thinking about things that we appreciate. His willingness to share positive thoughts is refreshing. Bill is pleased to give congratulations to his coworkers’ success and know how to develop a comfortable atmosphere of trust with his team members.

      business vocabulary words to know

    • [DOC File]Business Communications and Presentations

      Many thousands of differences in words, pronunciations, and phrases characterize the various dialects of the United States. For example, every region has words that are peculiar to its dialect. Children learn these words at home rather than at school; the words are part of …

      business vocabulary pdf

    • [DOC File]Elements of a Basic Business Letter - Blue Poppy

      Business Letter Writing Checklist. Keep it short. Cut needless words and needless information. Cut stale phrases and redundant statements. Cut the first paragraph if it refers to previous correspondence. Keep it simple. Use familiar words, short sentences, and short paragraphs. Keep …

      vocabulary for the business professional

    • [DOC File]Competency Examples with Performance Statements

      Business Alignment. Definition. Aligns the direction, products, services, and performance of a business line with the rest of the organization. Performance Statement Examples. Seeks to understand other programs in the department, including their services, deliverables, and measures. Integrates executive direction into every decision and ...

      business vocabulary words

    • [DOC File]Modern Business Writing - Fasset

      Use single words or simple phrases for information Most words in normal writing are padding, as they ensure that facts are conveyed in the correct context, and in a format that is pleasant to read. In your own Mind Maps, single strong words and meaningful phrases can convey the same meaning more potently. Excess words just clutter the Mind Map.

      common words used in business

    • [DOC File]Vocabulary: Words for technical writing

      Thesaurus: (a) A book having synonyms and antonyms. (b) A list of subject headings or descriptors usu. with a cross-reference system for use in the organization of a collection of documents for reference and retrieval. (c) A book of words or information about a particular domain, esp. …

      corporate words and phrases

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