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      Houghton Mifflin Company, Houghton Mifflin California Portals, 2010, Gr. 4-8 National Geographic/Hampton Brown, Inside Language, Literacy and Content, 2009, Gr. 4-8 Pearson Longman ELT, Longman Keystone, 2010, Gr. 4-8

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      GO Math! Grade 2 Chapter Test Alignment . This assessment guidance is designed as a companion to the Go Math K-5 Guidance Documents. It provides support for modifying . GO Math! Chapter Tests to align to the changes recommended in the Guidance Documents. The changes include rationale, often guided by the Rule of Thumb for Assessments, provided ...

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    • [DOC File]Houghton Mifflin Go Math 6-8 - California Department of ...

      Publisher Series Grade Level(s) Houghton Mifflin Harcourt California GO Math! ©2015 6-8 ... California GO Math! ©2015 (6-8) is recommended for adoption because it is aligned with the California Common Core State Standards for Mathematics and meets the rest of the evaluation criteria approved by the State Board of Education for this adoption.

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    • [DOC File]Probability Lesson Plan

      Grade Level: 3rd Grade. Content Area: Data Analysis and Probability. Subject Matter with the Content Area: Probability. State Adopted Textbook: Houghton Mifflin California Math. Van de Walle chapter/page reference: Chapter 23/Pgs. (475-490) 2. Standards-based Learning Objective:

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    • [DOC File]Grade 3 Standards - NGSS (CA Dept of Education)

      NGSS, standards, science standards, California NGSS, NGSS California, third grade, 3rd grade Last modified by: Maxine Wheeler Created Date: 3/11/2015 10:43:00 PM Company: California Department of Education Other titles: Grade 3 Standards - NGSS (CA Dept of Education)

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      GO Math! Grade 3 Chapter Test Alignment . This assessment guidance is designed as a companion to the Go Math K-5 Guidance Documents. It provides support for modifying . GO Math! Chapter Tests to align to the changes recommended in the Guidance Documents. The changes include rationale, often guided by the Rule of Thumb for Assessments, provided ...

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    • [DOCX File]

      On the left, click on the icon that is 3rd from the top (word document with a ribbon on it). On the left, click on the Plus Sign in front of Table of Contents. Select the Unit you want to view.

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    • [DOC File]Sample Parent Notification Letter and Parent FAQ for ...

      Beginning this spring, Smarter Balanced assessments will replace existing tests in English and math. They offer significant improvements over our previous state tests, including writing at every grade, new question types, and Performance Tasks that ask students …

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      *A waiver from the State Board is required to use non State Board adopted instructional materials in lieu of a State Board Adopted program for Grades K-8.

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      Jan 06, 2014 · Complete for each grade level at the school site. Locally APPROVED RLA/ELD PROGRAMS SBE-adopted Basic Programs (Program 1) for RLA/ELD include: Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, Glencoe Literature, California Treasures, 2010, Gr. 6-8

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