California shapefile gis

    • [DOCX File]Abstract - Humboldt State University

      To achieve this, we would need the following GIS information and more: Disc Golf Tee locations Shapefile (Point), Basket and Basket Alternative locations Shapefile (Point), Footpaths between baskets Shapefile (Polyline), Parking area Shapefile (Polygon), Roads Shapefile (Polyline), Playground Shapefile (Polygon), Tennis Court Shapefile (Polygon).

      california gis data download

    • [DOCX File]Geothermal Read Me File

      The data contained in this dataset includes API Number, Company Name, Lease Name, Well Number, Well Type Code, Well Status Code, Latitude, Longitude, GIS Data Source, Mineral Rights Code, Pool Code, District Office Number, Year Drilled, and Confidential Code.

      california road shapefile


      If a shapefile contains multiple species, a spreadsheet must also be submitted. The naming convention is the same as that of the multiple species shapefile. Each species in the shapefile should have its own row in the spreadsheet, beginning with Row 2. Specific column headers should be entered in Row 1, Columns A, B, C, and D.

      california topography shapefile

    • [DOC File]ABOUT THE METADATA--- - California State Water Resources ...

      The base GIS shapefile used for rivers and coastal shorelines is the USEPA River Reach File 3. The base GIS shapefile used for lakes was produced in 1995 by Department of Fish and Game, under contract by SWRCB. The base GIS shapefile for lakes is provided in the “some basic ArcView shapefiles” folder.

      california county shapefiles

    • [DOC File]COI/Novs Form - California Air Resources Board

      Provide descriptions and a georeferenced GIS shapefile(s) of the Project Area including: Governing jurisdictions, and latitude/longitude coordinates. Public and private roads (shapefile only) Towns (shapefile only) Major watercourses (4th order or greater), water bodies, and watersheds (shapefile only) Topography (shapefile only)

      california state boundary shapefile

    • [DOC File]GIS LAB 1

      Right click on the caliTracts shapefile and click on Open Attributes to see the table of geographical data. We only need census tracts for LA County instead of California as a whole so add your LA County shapefile and perform a clip (Geoprocessing > Clip with caliTracts as your Input Feature and laCounty as your Clip Feature).

      california counties shapefile to download


      have access to ArcInfo ® Workstation, download either the shapefile or the coverage data package. have access to ArcView 3x, ArcGIS 8x, 9x or a GIS that can read shapefiles, download either the shapefile or coverage legacy data package

      california city boundaries shapefile

    • [DOC File]1 - Ecological Society of America

      Students will be able to explore the 5 months of fire data using this new shapefile of the different landcovers in the U.S. Great Basin. The attributes table of the shapefile gives the CLASS (or vegetation type) and the GRIDCODE (which should be used to make the zonal statistics classification for each vegetation type).

      california gis data

    • [DOCX File]Abstract - Introduction to GIS

      A complete list of datasets used can be seen in Table 1. A data set of “Asthma ED Visits Rates by County 2012” was downloaded from the California Department of Public Health Geospatial Resources website. A shapefile of “State Highway Network/Postmile System” and “Traffic Volumes (AADT)”was downloaded from Caltrans GIS Highway Data.

      california gis data download

    • [DOC File]

      This was done through a three-step process in the NAD83 coordinate systems and California State Plane Zone 3 projection (appropriate for central California) using the Arc GIS software. First, the square footage of each closed polygon in the applicant’s submitted shapefile (GIS boundary file) was calculated using the Calculate Areas function ...

      california road shapefile

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