Changing negative statements to positive

    • [DOCX File]Toward Positive Thinking Handout

      "I'' statements are one-line statements that can be repeated to cover three areas: I am: A statement of who you are . This is a positive affirmation of a real state of being that exists in you. You can achieve a full list of I am Y statements by taking a personal positive inventory of your attributes, strengths, talents, and competencies.

      negative words turned positive

    • [DOC File]Affective Statements

      Avoid making any negative statements or using any negative words - only positive ones. When the 10 minutes are up, read the paper over to yourself. You may feel sad when you read it over because it is a new, different, and positive way of thinking about yourself - a way that contradicts some of the negative thoughts you may have had about yourself.

      turning negative phrases into positive

    • How to Convert Negative Number into Positive [Top 7 Methods] i…

      Title: Turning Negatives Into Positives Author: Val Manson Last modified by: Val Manson Created Date: 2/5/2010 10:09:00 AM Other titles: Turning Negatives Into …

      changing negative phrases into positive

    • [DOCX File]The Harrill Self-Esteem Inventory

      Our research shows that the statements about school change impact should be evaluated critically. It is not always risky and harmful for students’ personal, academic and social functioning. Further investigations should be done to show its positive sides. The dimensions of students’ positive experiences when changing school are:

      turning negative into positive examples

    • [DOC File]Turning Negatives Into Positives

      Use four positive statements for every negative or corrective statement. To be specific with your praise, make sure that you tell them what they are doing well. For example, instead of saying “Good job!”, you could say, “Nice job putting your materials away.” Find some statements that work for you.

      positive statements vs negative statements

    • [DOC File]Assertive Statements Worksheet

      47. Document behavior and devise home-school communications system daily/weekly for home back-up. Tie student progress to positive and negative consequences at home. 48. For non-compliance or inappropriate behavior, allow the student to experience consequences (related, …

      changing negative words to positive

    • [DOCX File]Lesson 1_Stopping Negative Thinking Worksheet

      Affective Statements: Are central to all of the more formal restorative practices. Are personal expressions of feeling in response to specific positive or negative behaviors of others. Provide feedback on the impact and scope of intended or unintended harm resulting from negative behaviors.

      changing negative sentences to positive


      Encourage them to praise any positive steps they see and ignore anything negative. Example: “I know you are trying to help me when you say that I better get off the couch and go for a walk rather than eat while I watch t.v., but pointing out my problems often upsets me.

      change negative statements into positive

    • [DOC File]Positive Behavior Management - Intervention

      Use coping statements. Repetitive thinking . is an unhealthy cycle of anxiety, or self-blame while thinking, dwelling, repeating, ruminating, worrying, “stewing,” or dreading. It . does no good . ... by slowly changing negative thoughts into more positive ones.

      negative words turned positive

    • [DOC File]What Are Negative Self-Scripts - Counseling & Psychotherapy

      For repetitive or automatic negative thoughts, you can use this thought stopping technique. Ask yourself, “Is there anything I can do now to fix the problem or make it better?” If the answer is “yes”, either get up and do what needs to be done, or write a note to remind yourself of what you need to do in the morning.

      turning negative phrases into positive

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