Checklist powerpoint slide

    • PowerPoint Document Checklist

      To create a chart slide click the Home tab and then New Slide. Click the Insert Chart icon from the content options. This will launch PowerPoint’s Chart Edit Window and opens a datasheet.

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    • [DOCX File]Microsoft PowerPoint Document Checklist - TAFE NSW

      Checklist for MS PowerPoint Column for feature; column for question; then column for yes; column for no; Feature. Did you …? Yes. No. Slide layouts. Use a TAFE-branded slide layout for each slide?. Slide Titles. Use unique, meaningful slide titles for each slide?. Tip: You can . hide slide titles. if required. Images. Provide brief and meaningful alt text for images, SmartArt, …

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    • [DOCX File]VDOE PowerPoint Presentation Accessibility Checklist

      VDOE PowerPoint Presentation Accessibility Checklist . Revised February 2021. File Formatting. Set File Type & Name. Is the file saved as a .pptx? ... Has the reading order of slide contents been manually checked for abnormal reading order? Avoid Animations & Transitions.

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      Lesson Topic, State Standard, and your name posted on the 1st slide. 5. Colored Text on all slides, include some Word Art. 10. Bulleted or Numbered List on 1 slide. 1. Pictures /Clipart on at least 6 slides. 12. 1 Video on 1 slide. 1. Spelling. 1. Author: Arlys Peterson Created Date: 04/20/2017 08:32:00 Title: pOWERpOINT cHECKLIST Last modified ...

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    • [DOCX File]Microsoft PowerPoint accessibility checklist

      Anything that impedes the readability of a slide impacts the efficacy of the teaching. Use of things like word art and fancy fonts can impact readability by individuals or . screen readers. Checklist for Oral Presentation. Use minimally-patterned slide backgrounds and remove excessive animation or rapidly flashing elements.

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    • [DOCX File]Accessibility Checklist - Purdue University

      Accessibility Checklist, PowerPoint 2016. 4. Instructional Technology at Purdue. Questions? ... If an image is decorative and is repeated throughout the slides, consider simply inserting the image in the master slide so you won’t have to write Alt Text for every single repeated image. [ ]

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    • [DOC File]PowerPoint Document Checklist

      The descriptive slide can be hidden for the live presentation by selecting Slide Show from the drop down menu and then choosing Hide Slide. 3.0 …

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    • [DOCX File]Accessible PowerPoint Checklist - University of Connecticut

      Accessible PowerPoint Checklist. Compliance Checklist. The checklist below, a series of tables, is based on the content of the email. Acceptable answers are: Yes, No, or N/A. If ‘No’ is the answer to any item, then the document is not accessible. ... Can all slide …

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