China cultural differences

    • What are the cultural differences between China and the west?

      Based on Hofstede’s Cultural Dimension Theory, this paper will analyze the cultural differences between China and the West from three different cultural dimensions: collectivism and individualism, power distance, long- term orientation and short-term orientation, and explore the reasons for their occurrence, so as to promote

    • Are there different types of folklore in Chinese and Western culture?

      In addition, the study only studied a few traditional Chinese tales and a few traditional Western tales. The study did not examine different types of folklore in Chinese and Western cultural systems. The study only described some general cultural values presented in folklore from China and Western countries.

    • What are some examples of Chinese culture?

      Chinese culture. This type of folklore was a mixture of history and mythology in the stories; it often involved a relationship with nature. For example, The Hunter (Casanova, he transformed into a mountain after he died. Some of the tales contained certain Chinese

    • China versus The United States: Cultural Differences in ...

      explore how government and regulatory differences, culture differences, types of the sharing and trust interplay to affect individual’s intention to participate in the sharing economy. We may also look at and discuss the following questions: 1. How Chinese people use and perceive technologies related to the sharing economy? Is there any ...

    • [PDF File]The Impact of Chinese and Western Cultural Differences on ...

      of cultural differences between China and the West on English translation, as well as the effective measures taken to eliminate the influence of cultural differences, with a view to promoting cooperation and exchanges between the two sides.

    • [PDF File]A Study of the Differences between Chinese and Western ...

      Based on Hofstede’s Cultural Dimension Theory, this paper will analyze the cultural differences between China and the West from three different cultural dimensions: collectivism and individualism, power distance, long- term orientation and short-term orientation, and explore the reasons for their occurrence, so as to promote

    • [PDF File]China Compared with the US: Cultural Differences and the ...

      Scholars have studied whether advertisements with appeals adapted to the audience’s important cultural values (e.g., individualism for North Americans and collectivism for Chinese) tend to be more persuasive and better liked than appeals unadapted to such values (Zhang, 2004).

    • [PDF File]An Analysis of Cultural Differences between China and the ...

      illustrates the cultural differences between China and the west, as well as the inconvenience and misunderstandings brought about by these differences in cross-cultural communication. This paper, taking the Treatment as an example, sheds light on the specific differences between Chinese and Western cultures from such three aspects: personal ...

    • [PDF File]Cultural Differences and Cultivation of Cross-cultural ... - ed

      cultural differences between the west and China by applying the cultural dimensions of Hofstede and Bond, and points out that the success of cross-cultural communication depends on the competence of cross-cultural communication and gives some suggestions concerning the goals of foreign culture acquisition and the ways of culture training.

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