Choleric phlegmatic sanguine melancholy test


      Before each word on the test below, place a number that best describes you, 5 being most like you and 1 being least like you. Try to be objective. Turn the page over for instrutctions on scoring ONLY after completing the test. Choleric Phlegmatic Melancholy Sanguine ___ optimistic ___ very quiet ___ deep feeling ___ emotional

      personality test sanguine choleric melancholy

    • [DOCX File]

      Physicians in the Middle Ages believed in a “humours-based theory of personality” – that is, the human body was composed of four different liquids (blood, which made someone “sanguine” or cheerful; yellow bile, which made someone “choleric,” or angry; black bile, which made someone “melancholy,” or sad; and phlegm, which made ...

      choleric sanguine personality type test

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      The ability to detect irony is sometimes heralded as a test of intelligence and sophistication. When a text intended to be ironic is not seen as such, the effect can be disastrous. Some students have taken Swift's "Modest Proposal" literally. And Defoe's contemporaries took his "Shortest Way with the Dissenters" literally and jailed him for it.

      the four temperaments

    • [DOC File]ADHD and Personality Types - Meetup

      Keirsey simplifies the sixteen MBTI types into four groups, whose archetypes he equates with the classical four temperaments: Phlegmatic, Melancholy, Sanguine, and Choleric. NT (INTP, INTJ, ENTP, ENTJ): Rational temperament

      four temperaments personality test

    • Strengths of a Melancholy - Loudwater

      The Melancholy As a Friend. Lives through others . Insecure socially . Withdrawn and Remote . Critical of Others . Holds back affections . Dislikes those in opposition . Suspicious of people . Antagonistic and vengeful . Unforgiving . Full of contradictions . Sceptical of compliments. Strengths of a Phlegmatic The Phlegmatic's Emotions. Low-key ...

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    • [DOC File]April 8, 2009

      The underlying basis for the four temperament types (Sanguine, Choleric, Phlegmatic, and Melancholy) is in ancient astrology, which is defined by the Bible as divination: The "forth-telling" of time and destiny; seeking to foresee the future or discover hidden knowledge about the past, present, or future through occultic methods, such as ...

      4 temperaments of personality

    • [DOC File]Jerry W. Brown

      Finally, too much yellow bile, or choler, made for a choleric or easily angered temperament. wet dry hot air/blood – sanguine, cheerful fire/yellow bile – choleric, angry cold water/phlegm – phlegmatic, sluggish earth/black bile – melancholy, sad The Collar from The Temple (1633) by George Herbert

      choleric phlegmatic temperament

    • [DOC File]Xenos Christian Fellowship

      EMOTIONS SANGUINE. CHOLERIC. MELANCHOLY. PHLEGMATIC. Appealing personality Born leader Deep & thoughful Low-key personality Talkative, storyteller Dynamic & active Analytical Easygoing & relaxed Life of the party Compulsive need for change Serious & purposeful Calm, cool & collected Good sense of humor Must correct wrongs Talented and creative ...

      choleric personality

    • Layers of Learning Styles

      It may be used to review for a test. PANEL DEBATES. Personality Layer. Choleric/Lion . Sanguine/Otter. Melancholy/Beaver. Phlegmatic/Golden Retriever. Teachers and Learners in the World of Christopher Robin. Choleric. Rabbit. Lion Sanguine. Tigger. Otter Phlegmatic. Pooh Bear. Golden Retriever Melancholy. Eeyore. Beaver Description

      personality test sanguine choleric melancholy

    • [DOC File]

      The oboe doubles on the cor anglais in a work by this composer whose third movement consists of a Preludium followed by eleven variations on “My Jesus, make my heart to love thee.” That work is this man’s wind quintet. The movements of one of his symphonies represent (*) choleric, phlegmatic, melancholy, and sanguine characters.

      choleric sanguine personality type test

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