Chord length calculator

    • What is the formula for chord length?

      to find the length of the chord, and then we can use L = 2sqrt(r^2 - d^2) to find the perpendicular distance between the chord and the center of the circle. How do you find the length of an arc given the radius?

    • What is the ratio of the chord length to the arc length?

      For a fixed chord length, the ratio of chordlength to arclength has a minimum value. Consider this minimum value as a function of the given chord length. So F (d) = minimum { d/ archlength } where the ratio is minimized over all pairs of points d apart. Equivalently F ( d ) = d/ max { archlength }

    • [PDF File]Chapter 11 Geometrics - Washington State Department of ...

      Turn the deflection for the first even half station and accurately measure the proper distance to the desired station. Be sure to measure the chord distance and not the curve distance. The chord distance must be calculated. The backsight should be checked periodically to be certain that the instrument has not drifted.

    • [PDF File]Highway Engineering Field Formulas

      C Total Chord length, or long chord, for a circular curve C´ Chord length between any two points on a circular curve T Distance along semi-Tangent from the point of intersection of the back and forward tangents to the origin of curvature (From the PI to the PC or PT) tx Distance along semi-tangent from the PC (or PT) to the perpendicular

    • [PDF File]1/2 inch Steel EMT Chime Length Calculator for the C-9 Chord ...

      1/2 inch Steel EMT Chime Length Calculator for the C-9 Chord (C E G Bb D) Inches version A-440 For a Tube or Rod unrestricted at both ends Enter values in BLUE, answers in ORANGE (inches) and in YELLOW (mm) Metal = Aluminum Calculate Length or Frequency for ID & OD entered above

    • [PDF File]7.1.3 Geometry of Horizontal Curves

      Determine the radius, the length of the curve, and the distance from the circle to the chord M. Solution to Example 7.5 Rearranging Equation 7.8,with D = 7 degrees, the curve’s radius R can be computed. Equation 7.9 allows calculation of the curve’s length L, once the curve’s central angle is converted from 63o15’34” to 63.2594 degrees.


      To obtain the chordal distance T the following formula is used: T = D x C where:D = diameter of the pitch circle C = constant as given in tables

    • [PDF File]Truss Chord Specifier's Guide - Weyerhaeuser

      Using the table below, find the load factor for each nail. Divide the allowable load of the specified 10d (0.148" x 3") nail (117 lbs) by the allowable load of the 0.113" x 21⁄2" pneumatic nail (72 lbs): 117/72 = 1.63. Use this factor to adjust the spacing in step 2. Calculate adjusted on-center spacing.

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